- 580
- 精华
- 积分
- 561
- 威望
- 点
- 宅币
- 个
- 贡献
- 次
- 宅之契约
- 份
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 在线时间
- 小时
一 算法介绍
1 选择排序
2 冒泡排序
3 插入排序
4 希尔排序
5 快速排序
6 归并排序
7 堆排序
8 基数排序
9 计数排序
计数排序的思想也很简单,就是针对所有的整数。取一个从最小值到最大值的间隔,然后遍历数组,把当前元素放在下标为(当前元素值 - 最小值)的位置。是不是很简单啊,编程玩的就是思想,没有思想的程序员就不是真正的程序员。
10 桶排序
二 算法实现
1 选择排序- void selectsort(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j,temp;
- int tb;
- for(i=left;i<right-1;i++)
- {
- temp = i;
- for(j=i+1;j<right;j++)
- {
- if(pData[j]<pData[temp])
- {
- temp = j;
- }
- }
- if(i != temp )
- {
- tb = pData[temp];
- pData[temp] = pData[i];
- pData[i] = tb;
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 2 冒泡排序- void bubblesort(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j;
- int temp;
- for(i=left;i<right-1;i++)
- {
- for(j=left;j<right-i-1;j++)
- {
- if(pData[j+1]<pData[j])
- {
- temp = pData[j+1];
- pData[j+1] = pData[j];
- pData[j] = temp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 3 插入排序- void insertsort(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j;
- int temp;
- for(i=left+1;i<right;i++)
- {
- temp = pData[i];
- j = i;
- while(--j>=left && pData[j]>temp)
- {
- pData[j+1] = pData[j];
- }
- pData[j+1] =temp;
- }
- }
复制代码 4 希尔排序- void shellsort(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j,gap;
- int temp;
- for(gap=right/2;gap>0;gap/=2)
- {
- for(i=gap;i<right;i++)
- {
- temp = pData[i];
- for(j=i-gap;(j>=0)&&pData[j]>temp;j-=gap)
- {
- pData[j+gap] = pData[j];
- }
- pData[j+gap] = temp;
- }
- }
- }
复制代码 5 快速排序三种实现方式
(1)游标为最左边元素- void quicksort(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j,middle,temp;
- middle = pData[left];
- i = left + 1;
- j = right - 1;
- do
- {
- while( i<right && pData[i]<middle)
- i++;
- while( j>left && pData[j]>middle)
- j--;
- if(i >= j)
- break;
- temp = pData[i];
- pData[i] = pData[j];
- pData[j] = temp;
- i++;
- j--;
- }while(i<=j);
- pData[left] = pData[j];
- pData[j] = middle;
- if(left<j-1)
- quicksort(pData,left,j);
- if(right>j+1)
- quicksort(pData,j+1,right);
- }
复制代码 (2)游标为中间元素- void quicksort2(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j,middle,temp;
- i = left;
- j = right - 1;
- middle = pData[(i + j)/2];
- do
- {
- while(i<right && pData[i]<middle)
- i++;
- while(j>left && pData[j]>middle)
- j--;
- if(i>=j)
- break;
- temp = pData[i];
- pData[i] = pData[j];
- pData[j] = temp;
- i++;
- j--;
- }while(i<j);
- if(left<i-1)
- quicksort2(pData,left,i);
- if(right>i+2)
- quicksort2(pData,i,right);
- }
复制代码 (3)游标为最后元素- void quicksort3(int *pData,int left,int right)
- {
- int i,j,last;
- int temp,end;
- i = left;
- j = left;
- last = right - 1;
- end = pData[last];
- //分配初始的i,j
- if(pData[left]<end)
- {
- while( pData[++j]<end );
- if(j == last)
- {
- quicksort3(pData,left,right-1);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- i = j-1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- while( pData[++j]>end );
- temp = pData[j];
- pData[j] = pData[left];
- pData[left] = temp;
- if(j == last)
- {
- quicksort3(pData,left+1,right);
- return;
- }
- }
- //分治排序
- while(j<last-1)
- {
- j++;
- if(pData[j]<end)
- {
- temp = pData[j];
- pData[j] = pData[++i];
- pData[i] = temp;
- }
- }
- temp = end;
- pData[last] = pData[i+1];
- pData[i+1] = temp;
- if(left<i)
- quicksort3(pData,left,i+1);
- if(right>i+3)
- quicksort3(pData,i+2,right);
- }
复制代码 6 归并排序
(1)递归法实现- void mergesort2(int *pData,int *Des,int left,int right)
- {
- int first = left;
- int last = right-1;
- if(first<last)
- {
- int mid = (first + last)/2;
- mergesort2(pData,Des,first,mid+1);
- mergesort2(pData,Des,mid+1,right);
- merges(pData,Des,first,mid,last);
- }
- }
- void merges(int *pData,int *Des,int first,int mid,int last)
- {
- int i = first;
- int j = mid + 1;
- int k = first;
- while(i<=mid&&j<=last)
- {
- if(pData[i]<pData[j])
- Des[k++] = pData[i++];
- else
- Des[k++] = pData[j++];
- }
- while(i<=mid)
- {
- Des[k++] = pData[i++];
- }
- while(j<=last)
- {
- Des[k++] = pData[j++];
- }
- for(k=first;k<=last;k++)
- pData[k] = Des[k];
- }
复制代码 (2)非递归法实现- void mergesort3(int *list,int length)
- {
- int i, left_min, left_max, right_min, right_max, next;
- int *tmp = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * length);
- if (tmp == NULL)
- {
- fputs("Error: out of memory\n", stderr);
- abort();
- }
- for (i = 1; i < length; i *= 2)
- {
- for (left_min = 0; left_min < length - i; left_min = right_max)
- {
- right_min = left_max = left_min + i;
- right_max = left_max + i;
- if (right_max > length)
- right_max = length;
- next = 0;
- while (left_min < left_max && right_min < right_max)
- tmp[next++] = list[left_min] > list[right_min] ? list[right_min++] : list[left_min++];
- while (left_min < left_max)
- list[--right_min] = list[--left_max];
- while (next > 0)
- list[--right_min] = tmp[--next];
- }
- }
- free(tmp);
- }
复制代码 7 堆排序- void HeapAdjust(int array[], int i, int nLength)
- {
- int nchild;
- int ntemp;
- while(i>=0)
- {
- nchild = 2 * i + 1;
- ntemp = array[i];
- if (array[nchild]<ntemp)
- {
- ntemp = array[nchild];
- array[nchild] = array[i];
- array[i] = ntemp;
- }
- if (nchild < nLength - 1)
- {
- nchild++;
- if (array[nchild]<ntemp)
- {
- ntemp = array[nchild];
- array[nchild] = array[i];
- array[i] = ntemp;
- }
- }
- i--;
- }
- }
- // 堆排序算法
- void HeapSort(int array[],int length)
- {
- int i,temp;
- for (int nL = length; nL>0;nL--)
- {
- i = nL/2 - 1;
- HeapAdjust(array,i,nL);
- temp = array[0];
- array[0] = array[nL-1];
- array[nL-1] = temp;
- }
- }
复制代码 8 基数排序- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- const int base=10;
- struct wx
- {
- int num;
- wx *next;
- wx()
- {
- next=NULL;
- }
- };
- wx *headn,*curn,*box[base],*curbox[base];
- void basesort(int t)
- {
- int i,k=1,r,bn;
- // k,r 分别表示10的幂次方,用来得到相应位上的单个数字,比如 k=10,r=100,数字207,则 十位上 0 = //(207/r)%10
- for(i=1;i<=t;i++)
- {
- k*=base;
- }
- r=k*base;
- //curbox和box中的指针指向相同的位置,当curbox中有新元素时,curbox指向会发生变化,形成box元素为//头指针,curbox元素相当于滑动指针,这样可以通过比较两者的不同来判断指针的走向。
- for(i=0;i<base;i++)
- {
- curbox[i]=box[i];
- }
- for(curn=headn->next;curn!=NULL;curn=curn->next)
- {
- bn=(curn->num%r)/k; // bn表示元素相应位上的值,
- curbox[bn]->next=curn; //curbox[i]的next指向相应位为i的元素
- curbox[bn]=curbox[bn]->next; //此时curbox[i]向后移位,以box[i]为首的链表长度增加
- }
- curn=headn;
- for(i=0;i<base;i++)
- {
- if(curbox[i]!=box[i])
- {
- curn->next=box[i]->next;
- curn=curbox[i]; //curn此时指向了在box中具有相同值的链表的最后一个,例如 123, //33,783,67,56,在3开头的 元素链表中,此时cur指向了783。
- }
- }
- curn->next=NULL;
- }
- void printwx()
- {
- for(curn=headn->next;curn!=NULL;curn=curn->next)
- {
- cout<<curn->num<<' ';
- }
- cout<<endl;
- }
- int main()
- {
- int i,n,z=0,maxn=0;
- curn=headn=new wx;
- cin>>n;
- for(i=0;i<base;i++)
- {
- curbox[i]=box[i]=new wx;
- }
- for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
- {
- curn=curn->next=new wx;
- cin>>curn->num;
- maxn=max(maxn,curn->num);
- }
- while(maxn/base>0)
- {
- maxn/=base;
- z++;
- }
- for(i=0;i<=z;i++)
- {
- basesort(i);
- }
- printwx();
- return 0;
- }
复制代码 9 计数排序- void CountSort(int array[],int nLength)
- {
- int nMin,nMax;
- nMin = INT_MAX;
- nMax = 0;
- for(int i=0;i<nLength;i++)
- {
- if (nMax<array[i])
- nMax = array[i];
- if (nMin>array[i])
- nMin = array[i];
- }
- int nSize = nMax - nMin + 1;
- int *Count = NULL;
- int *Sort = NULL;
- Count = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * nSize );
- Sort = (int *)malloc( sizeof(int) * nLength);
- int j;
- for (j=0;j<nSize;j++)
- {
- Count[j] = 0;
- }
- for (j=0;j<nLength;j++)
- {
- Count[array[j] - nMin]++;
- }
- for (j=0;j<nSize-1;j++)
- {
- Count[j+1] += Count[j];
- }
- for (j=nLength-1;j>=0;j--)
- {
- Sort[Count[ array[j]-nMin] -1 ] = array[j];
- Count[array[j] - nMin]--;
- }
- for (j=0;j<nLength;j++)
- {
- array[j] = Sort[j];
- }
- free(Count);
- free(Sort);
- }
复制代码 10 桶排序- //文件1
- #ifndef D_BUCKET_H
- #define D_BUCKET_H
- #include<cstdlib>
- #include<climits>
- using namespace std;
- void BucketSort(int array[],int nLength,int nDivide);
- struct bucket
- {
- int key;
- bucket *next;
- };
- #endif
- //文件2
- #include"bucket.h"
- void BucketSort(int arr[],int nLength,int nDivide)
- {
- bucket **Box = (bucket**)malloc( sizeof(bucket*) * nDivide );
- for(int i =0;i<nDivide;i++)
- {
- Box[i] = (bucket*)malloc( sizeof(bucket) );
- Box[i]->key = 0;
- Box[i]->next = NULL;
- }
- // Find the Max and Min in the array
- int nMin = INT_MAX;
- int nMax = INT_MIN;
- int nPie,nLeft;
- for(int i = 0;i<nLength;i++)
- {
- nMin = (nMin<arr[i])?nMin:arr[i];
- nMax = (nMax>arr[i])?nMax:arr[i];
- }
- nLeft = (nMax - nMin + 1) % nDivide;
- if(nLeft == 0)
- nPie = (nMax - nMin + 1) / nDivide;
- else
- nPie = (nMax - nMin + 1) /(nDivide - 1);
- //Insert the element in bucket
- for(int i = 0;i<nLength;i++)
- {
- bucket *node = (bucket*)malloc(sizeof(bucket));
- node->key = arr[i];
- node->next = NULL;
- int nId = (arr[i] - nMin) / nPie;
- if(Box[nId]->key == 0)
- {
- Box[nId]->next = node;
- Box[nId]->key++;
- }
- else
- {
- bucket *p = Box[nId]->next;
- bucket *cur = Box[nId];
- while(p!=NULL && p->key < arr[i])
- {
- cur = p;
- p = p->next;
- }
- cur->next = node;
- node->next = p;
- Box[nId]->key++;
- }
- }
- // put the element in the array and also free the memory
- int j = 0;
- for(int i = 0;i<nDivide;i++)
- {
- bucket *pt = Box[i]->next;
- bucket *cur = Box[i];
- while(pt != NULL)
- {
- arr[j] = pt->key;
- j++;
- cur = pt;
- pt = pt->next;
- free(cur);
- }
- free(Box[i]);
- }
- free(Box);
- }
- //文件3
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <crtdbg.h>
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif
- #include"bucket.h"
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- const int NUM = 7;
- const int DIV = 10;
- void main()
- {
- int arr[NUM] = {69,78,99,12,34,56,45};
- std::cout<<"Before sorting :\n";
- for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++)
- {
- std::cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
- }
- std::cout<<endl;
- BucketSort(arr,NUM,DIV);
- std::cout<<"After sorting :\n";
- for(int i=0;i<NUM;i++)
- {
- std::cout<<arr[i]<<" ";
- }
- //This is test whether has a memory leak
- }
复制代码 |