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boost 内存管理学习笔记1

发表于 2015-2-24 14:20:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 元始天尊 于 2015-2-24 15:41 编辑

    C++中可以做到完全不用指针,也不会出现内存泄漏/野指针/访问越界等问题,而JAVA,C#等语言有垃圾回收机制,虽然C++ 标准提供了auto_ptr但是并不能解决所有问题。不光是指针,资源也包括文件描述符/socket/handle/数据库等。申请忘记释放会产生未知后果。为了方便管理资源,C++程序员通常采用RAII机制(资源获取即初始化),即类构造时申请资源,类析构时释放资源。这分为2种情况:栈对象离开作用域后会自动析构没有问题,而堆对象则需手动释放,也就存在资源泄露隐患,这个可能是逻辑复杂而忘记delete或者异常导致未执行delete。即使熟练的程序员也可能未能正确使用delete。

  1. template<class T>
  2. class scoped_ptr
  3. {
  4. private:
  5.         T* px;
  6.         scoped_ptr(scoped_ptr const&);//禁止拷贝,转让所有权
  7.         scoped_ptr& operator=(scoped_ptr const&);//禁止拷贝,转让所有权
  8. public:
  9.         explicit scoped_ptr(T* p=0);//禁止scoped_ptr p=q形式的隐式转换,强制scoped_ptr p(q)形式
  10.         ~scoped_ptr();
  11.         void reset(T* p=0);
  12.         T& operator*() const;
  13.         T* operator->() const;
  14.         T* get() const;
  15.         operator unspecified-bool-type() const;
  16.         void swap(scoped_ptr& b);
  17. };

  1. #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
  2. #include <iostream>

  3. struct Shoe { ~Shoe() { std::cout << "Buckle my shoe\n"; } };

  4. class MyClass {
  5.     boost::scoped_ptr<int> ptr;
  6.   public:
  7.     MyClass() : ptr(new int) { *ptr = 0; }
  8.     int add_one() { return ++*ptr; }
  9. };

  10. int main()
  11. {
  12.     boost::scoped_ptr<Shoe> x(new Shoe);
  13.     MyClass my_instance;
  14.     std::cout << my_instance.add_one() << '\n';
  15.     std::cout << my_instance.add_one() << '\n';
  16. }

Buckle my shoe

  1.    typedef scoped_ptr<T> this_type;
  2.     void reset(T * p = 0) // never throws
  3.     {
  4.         BOOST_ASSERT( p == 0 || p != px ); // 自身不能重复赋值
  5.         this_type(p).swap(*this);
  6.     }
  7.     void swap(scoped_ptr & b) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
  8.     {
  9.         T * tmp = b.px;
  10.         b.px = px;
  11.         px = tmp;
  12.     }

    和某些书上讲的高级指针操作一样巧妙,reset里定义了一个临时对象 this_type(p),等价于scoped_ptr<T> newobj(p),并进行swap,这里巧妙之处在于把要释放的指针(这里为原this->px=旧指针po),交换临时对象里的(newobj->px=新指针pn),交换之后自然原this->px为新指针pn,而临时对象newobj->px为要释放的指针,newobj是局部对象,reset结束后即释放,自动调用析构函数释放旧指针po。能看到这一层就说明C++基础学懂了。。。。。


scoped_ptr ptr1(p1),ptr2(p2);
if(ptr1 == ptr2){}//编译失败
if(ptr1 == 0){}//编译成功

  1. class scoped_ptr
  2. {
  3. private:
  4.     void operator==( scoped_ptr const& ) const;
  5. }

  6. template<class T> inline bool operator==( scoped_ptr<T> const & p, boost::detail::sp_nullptr_t ) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
  7. {
  8.     return p.get() == 0;
  9. }

看一下定义:typedef std::nullptr_t sp_nullptr_t;       std::nullptr_t是空指针类型,C++11引入的

  1. namespace boost {

  2.   template<class T> class scoped_array : noncopyable {

  3.     public:
  4.       typedef T element_type;

  5.       explicit scoped_array(T * p = 0); // never throws
  6.       ~scoped_array(); // never throws

  7.       void reset(T * p = 0); // never throws

  8.       T & operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws
  9.       T * get() const; // never throws
  11.       operator unspecified-bool-type() const; // never throws

  12.       void swap(scoped_array & b); // never throws
  13.   };

  14.   template<class T> void swap(scoped_array<T> & a, scoped_array<T> & b); // never throws

  15. }

  1. #include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
  2. #include <algorithm>
  3. using namespace boost;
  4. using namespace std;

  5. int main()
  6. {
  7.         int *arr = new int[100];
  8.         scoped_array<int> sa(arr);
  9.         sa[10] = sa[20] + sa[30];
  10. }


  1. namespace boost {

  2.   class bad_weak_ptr: public std::exception;

  3.   template<class T> class weak_ptr;

  4.   template<class T> class shared_ptr {

  5.     public:

  6.       typedef see below element_type;

  7.       shared_ptr(); // never throws
  8.       shared_ptr(std::nullptr_t); // never throws

  9.       template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(Y * p);
  10.       template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y * p, D d);
  11.       template<class Y, class D, class A> shared_ptr(Y * p, D d, A a);
  12.       template<class D> shared_ptr(std::nullptr_t p, D d);
  13.       template<class D, class A> shared_ptr(std::nullptr_t p, D d, A a);

  14.       ~shared_ptr(); // never throws

  15.       shared_ptr(shared_ptr const & r); // never throws
  16.       template<class Y> shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Y> const & r); // never throws

  17.       shared_ptr(shared_ptr && r); // never throws
  18.       template<class Y> shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Y> && r); // never throws

  19.       template<class Y> shared_ptr(shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p); // never throws

  20.       template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(weak_ptr<Y> const & r);

  21.       template<class Y> explicit shared_ptr(std::auto_ptr<Y> & r);
  22.       template<class Y> shared_ptr(std::auto_ptr<Y> && r);

  23.       template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(std::unique_ptr<Y, D> && r);

  24.       shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr const & r); // never throws
  25.       template<class Y> shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr<Y> const & r); // never throws

  26.       shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr const && r); // never throws
  27.       template<class Y> shared_ptr & operator=(shared_ptr<Y> const && r); // never throws

  28.       template<class Y> shared_ptr & operator=(std::auto_ptr<Y> & r);
  29.       template<class Y> shared_ptr & operator=(std::auto_ptr<Y> && r);

  30.       template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr & operator=(std::unique_ptr<Y, D> && r);

  31.       shared_ptr & operator=(std::nullptr_t); // never throws

  32.       void reset(); // never throws

  33.       template<class Y> void reset(Y * p);
  34.       template<class Y, class D> void reset(Y * p, D d);
  35.       template<class Y, class D, class A> void reset(Y * p, D d, A a);

  36.       template<class Y> void reset(shared_ptr<Y> const & r, element_type * p); // never throws

  37.       T & operator*() const; // never throws; only valid when T is not an array type
  38.       T * operator->() const; // never throws; only valid when T is not an array type

  39.       element_type & operator[](std::ptrdiff_t i) const; // never throws; only valid when T is an array type

  40.       element_type * get() const; // never throws

  41.       bool unique() const; // never throws
  42.       long use_count() const; // never throws

  43.       explicit operator bool() const; // never throws

  44.       void swap(shared_ptr & b); // never throws
  46.       template<class Y> bool owner_before(shared_ptr<Y> const & rhs) const; // never throws
  47.       template<class Y> bool owner_before(weak_ptr<Y> const & rhs) const; // never throws
  48.   };
  49. }


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-24 20:27:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 元始天尊 于 2015-2-24 20:46 编辑


  1. #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
  3. #include <vector>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. using namespace boost;
  6. using namespace std;
  7. #include <malloc.h>

  8. class abstract
  9. {
  10. public:
  11.         virtual void f() = 0;
  12. protected:
  13.         virtual ~abstract(){};
  14. };
  15. class impl :public abstract
  16. {
  17. public:
  18.         virtual void f(){ cout << "f" << endl; };
  19. };

  20. void deleter(impl* ptr)
  21. {
  22.         cout << "deleter" << endl;
  23. }

  24. boost::shared_ptr<abstract> create()
  25. {
  26.         return boost::shared_ptr<abstract>(new impl);
  27. }

  28. int main()
  29. {
  30.         //应用于标准容器
  31.         vector<boost::shared_ptr<int>> v(10);
  32.         int i = 0;
  33.         for (vector<boost::shared_ptr<int>>::iterator pos = v.begin(); pos != v.end(); ++pos)
  34.         {
  35.                 (*pos) = boost::make_shared<int>(++i);
  36.                 cout << *(*pos) << ", ";
  37.         }

  38.         //应用于桥接模式
  39.         class sample
  40.         {
  41.         private:
  42.                 class impl
  43.                 {
  44.                 public:
  45.                         void print(){ cout << "bridge" << endl; };
  46.                 };
  47.                 boost::shared_ptr<impl> p;
  48.         public:
  49.                 void print(){ p->print(); };//交给impl去做
  50.         };
  51.         boost::shared_ptr<sample>()->print();

  52.         //应用于工厂模式
  53.         create()->f();

  54.         //删除器
  55.         boost::shared_ptr<impl> pp(new impl, deleter);

  56. }


  1. #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
  3. #include <vector>
  4. #include <iostream>
  5. using namespace boost;
  6. using namespace std;

  7. int main()
  8. {
  9.         boost::shared_ptr<int> sp(new int(10));
  10.         boost::weak_ptr<int> wp(sp);
  11.         if (!wp.expired())
  12.         {
  13.                 boost::shared_ptr<int> sp2 = wp.lock();
  14.                 assert(wp.use_count() == 2);
  15.         }
  16. }

  1. #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
  2. #include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
  3. #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
  4. #include <vector>
  5. #include <iostream>
  6. using namespace boost;
  7. using namespace std;

  8. class test :public boost::enable_shared_from_this<test>
  9. {
  10. public:
  11.         void printf(){ cout << "self_shared!" << endl; }
  12. };

  13. int main()
  14. {
  15.         boost::shared_ptr<test> sp = boost::make_shared<test>();
  16.         sp->printf();
  17.         boost::shared_ptr<test> p = sp->shared_from_this();
  18.         p->printf();
  19. }

回复 赞! 靠!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-2-24 22:00:30 | 显示全部楼层
Pool allocation is a memory allocation scheme that is very fast, but limited in its usage.
Using Pools gives you more control over how memory is used in your program. For example, you could have a situation where you want to allocate a bunch of small objects at one point, and then reach a point in your program where none of them are needed any more. Using pool interfaces, you can choose to run their destructors or just drop them off into oblivion; the pool interface will guarantee that there are no system memory leaks.
Pools are generally used when there is a lot of allocation and deallocation of small objects. Another common usage is the situation above, where many objects may be dropped out of memory.
In general, use Pools when you need a more efficient way to do unusual memory control.
pool_allocator is a more general-purpose solution, geared towards efficiently servicing requests for any number of contiguous chunks.
fast_pool_allocator is also a general-purpose solution but is geared towards efficiently servicing requests for one chunk at a time; it will work for contiguous chunks, but not as well as pool_allocator.
If you are seriously concerned about performance, use fast_pool_allocator when dealing with containers such as std::list, and use pool_allocator when dealing with containers such as std::vector.

  1. struct default_user_allocator_new_delete
  2. {
  3.   typedef std::size_t size_type;
  4.   typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;

  5.   static char * malloc(const size_type bytes)
  6.   { return new (std::nothrow) char[bytes]; }
  7.   static void free(char * const block)
  8.   { delete [] block; }
  9. };

  10. struct default_user_allocator_malloc_free
  11. {
  12.   typedef std::size_t size_type;
  13.   typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;

  14.   static char * malloc(const size_type bytes)
  15.   { return reinterpret_cast<char *>(std::malloc(bytes)); }
  16.   static void free(char * const block)
  17.   { std::free(block); }
  18. };

  19. template <typename UserAllocator = default_user_allocator_new_delete>
  20. class pool
  21. {
  22.   private:
  23.     pool(const pool &);
  24.     void operator=(const pool &);

  25.   public:
  26.     typedef UserAllocator user_allocator;
  27.     typedef typename UserAllocator::size_type size_type;
  28.     typedef typename UserAllocator::difference_type difference_type;

  29.     explicit pool(size_type requested_size);
  30.     ~pool();

  31.     bool release_memory();
  32.     bool purge_memory();

  33.     bool is_from(void * chunk) const;
  34.     size_type get_requested_size() const;

  35.     void * malloc();
  36.     void * ordered_malloc();
  37.     void * ordered_malloc(size_type n);

  38.     void free(void * chunk);
  39.     void ordered_free(void * chunk);
  40.     void free(void * chunks, size_type n);
  41.     void ordered_free(void * chunks, size_type n);
  42. };

  1. void func()
  2. {
  3.   boost::pool<> p(sizeof(int));
  4.   for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
  5.   {
  6.     int * const t = p.malloc();
  7.     ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it.
  8.   }
  9. } // on function exit, p is destroyed, and all malloc()'ed ints are implicitly freed.

  1. template <typename ElementType, typename UserAllocator = default_user_allocator_new_delete>
  2. class object_pool
  3. {
  4.   private:
  5.     object_pool(const object_pool &);
  6.     void operator=(const object_pool &);

  7.   public:
  8.     typedef ElementType element_type;
  9.     typedef UserAllocator user_allocator;
  10.     typedef typename pool<UserAllocator>::size_type size_type;
  11.     typedef typename pool<UserAllocator>::difference_type difference_type;

  12.     object_pool();
  13.     ~object_pool();

  14.     element_type * malloc();
  15.     void free(element_type * p);
  16.     bool is_from(element_type * p) const;

  17.     element_type * construct();
  18.     // other construct() functions
  19.     void destroy(element_type * p);
  20. };
  1. void func()
  2. {
  3.   boost::object_pool<X> p;
  4.   for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
  5.   {
  6.     X * const t = p.malloc();
  7.     ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it.
  8.   }
  9. } // on function exit, p is destroyed, and all destructors for the X objects are called.

  1. typedef boost::singleton_pool<MyPoolTag, sizeof(int)> my_pool;
  2. void func()
  3. {
  4.   for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
  5.   {
  6.     int * const t = my_pool::malloc();
  7.     ... // Do something with t; don't take the time to free() it.
  8.   }
  9.   // Explicitly free all malloc()'ed ints.
  10.   my_pool::purge_memory();
  11. }
回复 赞! 靠!

使用道具 举报


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