积分 76416
威望 点
宅币 个
贡献 次
宅之契约 份
最后登录 1970-1-1
在线时间 小时
为了保证画风不和Windows界面冲突,绘制旋钮用的颜色都是取自系统颜色(比如按钮表面、按钮暗阴影、按钮亮阴影等颜色)。VERSION 5.00
Begin VB.UserControl Knob
ClientHeight = 2415
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 2430
ScaleHeight = 161
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 162
Begin VB.PictureBox picKnob
Align = 1 'Align Top
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
Height = 1335
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 85
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 158
TabIndex = 0
Top = 0
Width = 2430
Begin VB.PictureBox picBase
AutoRedraw = -1 'True
BorderStyle = 0 'None
Height = 495
Left = 0
ScaleHeight = 33
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 33
TabIndex = 1
Top = 0
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 495
Attribute VB_Name = "Knob"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'版权所有 (C) 2013-2015 技术宅的结界
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetSysColor Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Const Knob_PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
Private m_Rad As Double
Private m_Max As Long
Private m_Value As Long
Private m_Steps As Long
Private m_MaxAng As Double
Private m_MinAng As Double
Private m_MouseDown As Boolean
Private m_MouseAngle As Double
Private m_BaseRad As Double
Private m_HandleRad As Double
Private m_DrawGrad As Boolean
Private m_DrawPoint As Boolean
Private m_DrawRaisedHandle As Boolean
Private m_RaisedHandleWidth1 As Double
Private m_RaisedHandleWidth2 As Double
Event Click()
Attribute Click.VB_Description = "Triggerd when clicked."
Attribute Click.VB_UserMemId = -600
Event DblClick()
Attribute DblClick.VB_Description = "Triggerd when double clicked."
Attribute DblClick.VB_UserMemId = -601
Event Change(ByVal OldValue As Long, ByVal NewValue As Long)
Attribute Change.VB_Description = "Triggerd when the value was changed."
Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Event MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Attribute MouseMove.VB_UserMemId = -606
Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Attribute MouseUp.VB_UserMemId = -607
Event KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Attribute KeyDown.VB_UserMemId = -602
Event KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Attribute KeyPress.VB_UserMemId = -603
Event KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Attribute KeyUp.VB_UserMemId = -604
Private Sub DrawKnob()
DrawBaseCircle '先绘制底座圆圈
DrawHandle '然后绘制“把手”
End Sub
Private Sub DrawBaseCircle()
If m_Rad <= 0 Then Exit Sub
If m_DrawGrad Then
picBase.DrawWidth = 1
Dim Ang As Long
For Ang = 0 To m_Steps - 1
Dim CA As Double, CX As Double, CY As Double
CA = m_MinAng + (m_MaxAng - m_MinAng) * Ang / (m_Steps - 1) + Knob_PI * 0.5 '刻度的角度
CX = Cos(CA)
CY = Sin(CA)
picBase.Line (m_Rad + CX * m_Rad * m_BaseRad, m_Rad + CY * m_Rad * m_BaseRad)-(m_Rad + CX * m_Rad, m_Rad + CY * m_Rad) '画辐射线
End If
picBase.DrawWidth = 3
DrawLightedCircle picBase, m_Rad, m_Rad, m_Rad * m_BaseRad - 1, GetSysColor(vb3DHighlight And &HFF&), GetSysColor(vb3DDKShadow And &HFF&)
picBase.DrawWidth = 2
DrawLightedCircle picBase, m_Rad, m_Rad, m_Rad * m_BaseRad - 3, GetSysColor(vb3DLight And &HFF&), GetSysColor(vbButtonShadow And &HFF&)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawLightedCircle(Targ As PictureBox, ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double, ByVal Radius As Double, ByVal Color1 As Long, ByVal Color2 As Long)
Dim Ang As Double
Dim R1 As Long, G1 As Long, B1 As Long
Dim R2 As Long, G2 As Long, B2 As Long
Dim DotVal As Double, XV As Double, YV As Double, RV As Long, GV As Long, BV As Long
Targ.CurrentX = X + Radius
Targ.CurrentY = Y
R1 = Color1 And &HFF
G1 = (Color1 And &HFF00&) \ &H100
B1 = (Color1 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
R2 = Color2 And &HFF
G2 = (Color2 And &HFF00&) \ &H100
B2 = (Color2 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
For Ang = 0 To Knob_PI * 2 Step 1 / Radius
XV = Cos(Ang)
YV = Sin(Ang)
DotVal = (XV + YV + 1) * 0.5 '与光线方向(1,1)做点乘,然后将[-1,1]变换到[0,1]
RV = R1 + (R2 - R1) * DotVal '颜色插值
GV = G1 + (G2 - G1) * DotVal
BV = B1 + (B2 - B1) * DotVal
Targ.Line -(X + XV * Radius, Y + YV * Radius), RGB(RV, GV, BV)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawLighedLine(Targ As PictureBox, ByVal X1 As Double, ByVal Y1 As Double, ByVal X2 As Double, ByVal Y2 As Double, ByVal Color1 As Long, ByVal Color2 As Long)
On Error Resume Next
Dim DirX As Double, DirY As Double, DirL As Double
DirX = X2 - X1
DirY = Y2 - Y1
DirL = Sqr(DirX * DirX + DirY * DirY)
DirX = DirX / DirL
DirY = DirY / DirL
Dim NorX As Double, NorY As Double
NorX = -DirY
NorY = DirX
Dim R1 As Long, G1 As Long, B1 As Long
Dim R2 As Long, G2 As Long, B2 As Long
Dim DotVal As Double, RV As Long, GV As Long, BV As Long
R1 = Color1 And &HFF
G1 = (Color1 And &HFF00&) \ &H100
B1 = (Color1 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
R2 = Color2 And &HFF
G2 = (Color2 And &HFF00&) \ &H100
B2 = (Color2 And &HFF0000) \ &H10000
DotVal = (NorX + NorY + 1) * 0.5 '与光线方向(1,1)做点乘,然后将[-1,1]变换到[0,1]
RV = R1 + (R2 - R1) * DotVal '颜色插值
GV = G1 + (G2 - G1) * DotVal
BV = B1 + (B2 - B1) * DotVal
Targ.DrawWidth = 2
Targ.Line (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), RGB(RV, GV, BV)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawHandle()
If m_Rad <= 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim Ang As Double
Ang = ValueToAngle(m_Value, m_Max) '旋钮的角度
picKnob.PaintPicture picBase.Image, 0, 0
If m_DrawRaisedHandle Then DrawRHandle
If m_DrawPoint Then
picKnob.DrawWidth = 1
If m_MouseDown Then '鼠标按下的时候,填充颜色
picKnob.FillStyle = vbSolid
picKnob.FillColor = vbHighlight
picKnob.FillStyle = 1
End If
picKnob.Circle (m_Rad + Cos(Ang) * m_Rad * m_BaseRad * 0.5, m_Rad + Sin(Ang) * m_Rad * m_BaseRad * 0.5), 2, vbRed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DrawRHandle()
picKnob.DrawWidth = 2
Dim Ang As Double
Ang = ValueToAngle(m_Value, m_Max) '旋钮的角度
Dim BaseRad As Double
BaseRad = m_Rad * m_BaseRad * m_HandleRad
Dim DirX As Double, DirY As Double
DirX = Cos(Ang)
DirY = Sin(Ang)
Dim SideX As Double, SideY As Double
SideX = -DirY
SideY = DirX
Dim RHW1 As Double, RHW2 As Double
RHW1 = m_RaisedHandleWidth1 * BaseRad
RHW2 = m_RaisedHandleWidth2 * BaseRad
Dim BackL As Double, FrontL As Double
FrontL = Sqr(BaseRad * BaseRad - RHW1 * RHW1)
BackL = Sqr(BaseRad * BaseRad - RHW2 * RHW2)
Dim Color1 As Long, Color2 As Long
Color1 = GetSysColor(vb3DHighlight And &HFF&)
Color2 = GetSysColor(vb3DDKShadow And &HFF&)
Dim PtX(3) As Double
Dim PtY(3) As Double
PtX(0) = m_Rad + DirX * FrontL + SideX * RHW1
PtY(0) = m_Rad + DirY * FrontL + SideY * RHW1
PtX(1) = m_Rad + DirX * FrontL - SideX * RHW1
PtY(1) = m_Rad + DirY * FrontL - SideY * RHW1
PtX(2) = m_Rad - DirX * BackL + SideX * RHW2
PtY(2) = m_Rad - DirY * BackL + SideY * RHW2
PtX(3) = m_Rad - DirX * BackL - SideX * RHW2
PtY(3) = m_Rad - DirY * BackL - SideY * RHW2
DrawLighedLine picKnob, PtX(0), PtY(0), PtX(1), PtY(1), Color1, Color2
DrawLighedLine picKnob, PtX(1), PtY(1), PtX(3), PtY(3), Color1, Color2
DrawLighedLine picKnob, PtX(3), PtY(3), PtX(2), PtY(2), Color1, Color2
DrawLighedLine picKnob, PtX(2), PtY(2), PtX(0), PtY(0), Color1, Color2
End Sub
Private Function ValueToAngle(ByVal Value_ As Long, ByVal MaxValue_ As Long) As Double
If MaxValue_ Then ValueToAngle = m_MinAng + (m_MaxAng - m_MinAng) * Value_ / MaxValue_ + Knob_PI * 0.5
End Function
Private Function AngleToValue(ByVal Angle As Double) As Long
If m_MaxAng = 0 Then Exit Function
Angle = Angle - Knob_PI * 0.5
While Angle < 0
Angle = Angle + Knob_PI * 2
While Angle > Knob_PI * 2
Angle = Angle - Knob_PI * 2
AngleToValue = (Angle - m_MinAng) * m_Max / (m_MaxAng - m_MinAng)
End Function
Private Sub picBase_Resize()
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_Click()
RaiseEvent Click
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_DblClick()
RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
RaiseEvent KeyDown(KeyCode, Shift)
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
RaiseEvent KeyPress(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
RaiseEvent KeyUp(KeyCode, Shift)
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_MouseDown = True
m_MouseAngle = GetAngle(X - m_Rad, Y - m_Rad) - ValueToAngle(m_Value, m_Max)
RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If m_MouseDown Then
Dim NewAng As Double, OldVal As Long
NewAng = GetAngle(X - m_Rad, Y - m_Rad) - m_MouseAngle
OldVal = m_Value
m_Value = AngleToValue(NewAng)
If m_Value > m_Max Then m_Value = m_Max
If m_Value < 0 Then m_Value = 0
picKnob.ToolTipText = m_Value
RaiseEvent MouseMove(Button, Shift, X, Y)
If OldVal <> m_Value Then
RaiseEvent Change(OldVal, m_Value)
m_MouseAngle = GetAngle(X - m_Rad, Y - m_Rad) - ValueToAngle(m_Value, m_Max)
ElseIf m_Value = 0 Or m_Value = m_Max Then
m_MouseAngle = GetAngle(X - m_Rad, Y - m_Rad) - ValueToAngle(m_Value, m_Max)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
m_MouseDown = False
RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y)
End Sub
Private Sub picKnob_Resize()
picBase.Move 0, 0, picKnob.ScaleWidth, picKnob.ScaleHeight
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
m_Max = 100
m_Value = 100
m_Steps = 3
m_BaseRad = 0.75
m_HandleRad = 0.8
m_MinAng = Knob_PI / 3
m_MaxAng = Knob_PI * 5 / 3
m_DrawGrad = True
m_DrawPoint = True
m_DrawRaisedHandle = True
m_RaisedHandleWidth1 = 0.3
m_RaisedHandleWidth2 = 0.3
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
m_Max = PropBag.ReadProperty("Max", m_Max)
m_Value = PropBag.ReadProperty("Value", m_Value)
m_Steps = PropBag.ReadProperty("Steps", m_Steps)
m_BaseRad = PropBag.ReadProperty("BaseRadius", m_BaseRad)
m_HandleRad = PropBag.ReadProperty("HandleRadius", m_HandleRad)
m_MinAng = PropBag.ReadProperty("MinAngle", m_MinAng)
m_MaxAng = PropBag.ReadProperty("MaxAngle", m_MaxAng)
m_DrawGrad = PropBag.ReadProperty("DrawGraduation", m_DrawGrad)
m_DrawPoint = PropBag.ReadProperty("DrawPoint", m_DrawPoint)
m_DrawRaisedHandle = PropBag.ReadProperty("DrawRaisedHandle", m_DrawRaisedHandle)
m_RaisedHandleWidth1 = PropBag.ReadProperty("RaisedHandleWidth1", m_RaisedHandleWidth1)
m_RaisedHandleWidth2 = PropBag.ReadProperty("RaisedHandleWidth2", m_RaisedHandleWidth2)
picKnob.BorderStyle = PropBag.ReadProperty("BorderStyle", picKnob.BorderStyle)
m_Rad = picKnob.ScaleHeight \ 2
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
PropBag.WriteProperty "Max", m_Max
PropBag.WriteProperty "Value", m_Value
PropBag.WriteProperty "Steps", m_Steps
PropBag.WriteProperty "BaseRadius", m_BaseRad
PropBag.WriteProperty "HandleRadius", m_HandleRad
PropBag.WriteProperty "MinAngle", m_MinAng
PropBag.WriteProperty "MaxAngle", m_MaxAng
PropBag.WriteProperty "DrawGraduation", m_DrawGrad
PropBag.WriteProperty "DrawPoint", m_DrawPoint
PropBag.WriteProperty "DrawRaisedHandle", m_DrawRaisedHandle
PropBag.WriteProperty "RaisedHandleWidth1", m_RaisedHandleWidth1
PropBag.WriteProperty "RaisedHandleWidth2", m_RaisedHandleWidth2
PropBag.WriteProperty "BorderStyle", picKnob.BorderStyle
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
If Width > Height Then
Width = Height
Exit Sub
ElseIf Width < Height Then
Height = Width
Exit Sub
End If
picKnob.Height = ScaleHeight
m_Rad = picKnob.ScaleHeight \ 2
End Sub
Private Function GetAngle(ByVal X As Double, ByVal Y As Double) As Double
If X > 0 Then
GetAngle = Atn(Y / X)
ElseIf X < 0 Then
GetAngle = Atn(Y / X) + Knob_PI
ElseIf Y > 0 Then
GetAngle = Knob_PI / 2
ElseIf Y < 0 Then
GetAngle = Knob_PI * 3 / 2
End If
End Function
Property Get BorderStyle() As Long
Attribute BorderStyle.VB_Description = "The style of the border. Same as PictureBox."
Attribute BorderStyle.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
Attribute BorderStyle.VB_UserMemId = -504
BorderStyle = picKnob.BorderStyle
End Property
Property Let BorderStyle(ByVal NewBorderStyle As Long)
picKnob.BorderStyle = NewBorderStyle
m_Rad = picKnob.ScaleHeight \ 2
PropertyChanged "BorderStyle"
End Property
Property Get Value() As Long
Attribute Value.VB_Description = "The value of the knob."
Attribute Value.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";行为"
Attribute Value.VB_UserMemId = 0
Value = m_Value
End Property
Property Let Value(ByVal NewValue As Long)
If NewValue < 0 Then
m_Value = 0
ElseIf NewValue > m_Max Then
m_Value = m_Max
m_Value = NewValue
End If
PropertyChanged "Value"
End Property
Property Get Max() As Long
Attribute Max.VB_Description = "The maximum value"
Attribute Max.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";行为"
Max = m_Max
End Property
Property Let Max(ByVal NewMaxValue As Long)
If NewMaxValue < 0 Then
m_Max = 0
m_Max = NewMaxValue
End If
If m_Value > m_Max Then m_Value = m_Max
PropertyChanged "Max"
End Property
Property Get MinAngle() As Double
Attribute MinAngle.VB_Description = "The minimum angle the knob can turn."
Attribute MinAngle.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
MinAngle = m_MinAng * 180 / Knob_PI
End Property
Property Let MinAngle(ByVal NewMinAngle As Double)
m_MinAng = NewMinAngle * Knob_PI / 180
While m_MinAng > Knob_PI * 2
m_MinAng = m_MinAng - Knob_PI * 2
While m_MinAng < 0
m_MinAng = m_MinAng + Knob_PI * 2
If m_MaxAng < m_MinAng Then
Dim Temp As Double
Temp = m_MaxAng
m_MaxAng = m_MinAng
m_MinAng = Temp
End If
PropertyChanged "MinAngle"
End Property
Property Get MaxAngle() As Double
Attribute MaxAngle.VB_Description = "The maximum angle the knob can turn."
Attribute MaxAngle.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
MaxAngle = m_MaxAng * 180 / Knob_PI
End Property
Property Let MaxAngle(ByVal NewMaxAngle As Double)
m_MaxAng = NewMaxAngle * Knob_PI / 180
While m_MaxAng > Knob_PI * 2
m_MaxAng = m_MaxAng - Knob_PI * 2
While m_MaxAng < 0
m_MaxAng = m_MaxAng + Knob_PI * 2
If m_MinAng > m_MaxAng Then
Dim Temp As Double
Temp = m_MaxAng
m_MaxAng = m_MinAng
m_MinAng = Temp
End If
PropertyChanged "MaxAngle"
End Property
Property Get Steps() As Long
Attribute Steps.VB_Description = "The steps of the graduation."
Attribute Steps.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
Steps = m_Steps
End Property
Property Let Steps(ByVal NewSteps As Long)
If NewSteps > m_Max Then
m_Steps = m_Max
ElseIf NewSteps < 0 Then
m_Steps = 0
m_Steps = NewSteps
End If
PropertyChanged "Steps"
End Property
Property Get BaseRadius() As Double
Attribute BaseRadius.VB_Description = "The radius of the base circle."
Attribute BaseRadius.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
BaseRadius = m_BaseRad
End Property
Property Let BaseRadius(ByVal NewBaseRadius As Double)
If NewBaseRadius < 0 Then
m_BaseRad = 0
m_BaseRad = NewBaseRadius
End If
PropertyChanged "BaseRadius"
End Property
Property Get HandleRadius() As Double
Attribute HandleRadius.VB_Description = "The radius(or length) of the raised handle."
Attribute HandleRadius.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
HandleRadius = m_HandleRad
End Property
Property Let HandleRadius(ByVal NewHandleRadius As Double)
If NewHandleRadius < 0 Then
m_HandleRad = 0
m_HandleRad = NewHandleRadius
End If
PropertyChanged "HandleRadius"
End Property
Property Get DrawGraduation() As Boolean
Attribute DrawGraduation.VB_Description = "Draw the graduation if it was true."
Attribute DrawGraduation.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
DrawGraduation = m_DrawGrad
End Property
Property Let DrawGraduation(ByVal NewVal As Boolean)
m_DrawGrad = NewVal
PropertyChanged "DrawGraduation"
End Property
Property Get DrawPoint() As Boolean
Attribute DrawPoint.VB_Description = "Draw the red point if it was true."
Attribute DrawPoint.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
DrawPoint = m_DrawPoint
End Property
Property Let DrawPoint(ByVal NewVal As Boolean)
m_DrawPoint = NewVal
PropertyChanged "DrawPoint"
End Property
Property Get DrawRaisedHandle() As Boolean
Attribute DrawRaisedHandle.VB_Description = "Draw the raised handle if it was true."
Attribute DrawRaisedHandle.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
DrawRaisedHandle = m_DrawRaisedHandle
End Property
Property Let DrawRaisedHandle(ByVal NewVal As Boolean)
m_DrawRaisedHandle = NewVal
PropertyChanged "DrawRaisedHandle"
End Property
Property Get RaisedHandleWidth1() As Double
Attribute RaisedHandleWidth1.VB_Description = "The width of the raised handle."
Attribute RaisedHandleWidth1.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
RaisedHandleWidth1 = m_RaisedHandleWidth1
End Property
Property Let RaisedHandleWidth1(ByVal NewVal As Double)
m_RaisedHandleWidth1 = NewVal
PropertyChanged "RaisedHandleWidth1"
End Property
Property Get RaisedHandleWidth2() As Double
Attribute RaisedHandleWidth2.VB_Description = "The width of the raised handle."
Attribute RaisedHandleWidth2.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = ";外观"
RaisedHandleWidth2 = m_RaisedHandleWidth2
End Property
Property Let RaisedHandleWidth2(ByVal NewVal As Double)
m_RaisedHandleWidth2 = NewVal
PropertyChanged "RaisedHandleWidth2"
End Property 复制代码 单个用户控件文件:(添加到自己的工程就可以使用)
(19.11 KB, 下载次数: 44)
(15.08 KB, 下载次数: 68)