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开更老C的新作品:Practice With OO Method in C/C++: A Game Of Gardener(C/C++面向对象方法实践:园丁游戏)


0.        退出游戏
1.        浇水
2.        修剪高度
3.        什么也不做
选择浇水,可以输入水量(以公升计算)。每浇水一升,树苗生命值+1 。如果生命值超过100,则进行倒扣(浇水过多植物寿命减少)。如果当天选择浇水,则树苗当天高度立即+6(树苗吸水增长)。

  1. //代码1-1
  2. #include <stdio.h>

  3. #define HEIGHT_STANDARD 200 //标准高度

  4. void CutPlant(int* health, int* height, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //剪切植物
  5. {
  6.         if (*height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  7.                 *height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  8.         else
  9.                 *health = 0; //被剪死了
  10. }

  11. void WaterPlant(int* health, int* height, int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //浇水
  12. {
  13.         int Orghealth = *health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  14.         *health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  15.         *height += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  16.         if (*health > 100) //生命值大于100
  17.                 *health = Orghealth + 100 - *health; //生命值倒扣
  18.         if (*health < 0) //淹死了
  19.                 *health = 0;
  20.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", *health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  21. }

  22. int main(void)
  23. {
  24.         int iOption;
  25.         int iWQ;
  26.         int iCH;

  27.         int Day = 0; //天数
  28.         int Height = 100; //植物高度
  29.         int Health = 85;  //植物生命值

  30.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have a sapling.\n");
  31.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  32.         while (Health > 0)
  33.         {
  34.                 Day++;
  35.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  36.                 Health -= 15;
  37.                 printf("\tHealth -15.\n");
  38.                 if (Health > 20)
  39.                 {
  40.                         Height += 10;
  41.                         printf("\tHeight +10.\n");
  42.                 }
  43.                 printf("Reports:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n", Height, Health);
  44.                 if (Height == HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  45.                         break;
  46.                 if (Health <= 0)
  47.                         break;
  48.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[0]Give it up.\n");
  49.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  50.                 switch (iOption)
  51.                 {
  52.                 case 1:
  53.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  54.                         scanf("%d", &iWQ);
  55.                         WaterPlant(&Health, &Height, iWQ);
  56.                         break;
  57.                 case 2:
  58.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  59.                         scanf("%d", &iCH);
  60.                         CutPlant(&Health, &Height, iCH);
  61.                         break;
  62.                 case 0:
  63.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  64.                 default:
  65.                         printf("You did nothing?\n");
  66.                 }
  67.         }
  68. Lbl_Exit:
  69.         if (Health <= 0)
  70.                 printf("You bad gardener.The plant was die.\n");
  71.         else if (Height == HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  72.                 printf("%d Days,The plant was fit to sale for %d cm!\n", Day, HEIGHT_STANDARD);
  73.         else
  74.                 printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");

  75.         return 0;
  76. }

0.        退出游戏
1.        浇水
2.        修剪高度
3.        什么也不做
选择浇水,可以输入水量(以公升计算)。每浇水一升,树苗生命值+1 。如果生命值超过100,则进行倒扣(浇水过多植物寿命减少)。如果当天选择浇水,则树苗当天高度立即+6(树苗吸水增长)。
先前针对A版本的游戏当中,树苗并未作为个体被抽象出来。因为只有一棵树苗,所以分别申请一个叫做Height的变量存放该树苗高度,Health变量存放生命值。现在树苗个数变为两个。我们是不是就应该这样子定义变量呢?int Height1;int Health1; int Height2;int Health2; 。那么如果是三颗树苗,4棵树苗,5棵树苗……。也许你可以这样子操作:int Height[N];int Health[N];。但是这样子不如将树苗作为“对象”抽象出来,定义一个结构体包含height与health属性来得方便些。于是我们有了结构体“Plant”其中有两个int类型变量:health和height。
  1. //代码1-2
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #define HEIGHT_STANDARD 200 //植物标准高度

  4. struct Plant //结构体“植物”
  5. {
  6.         int height; //高度
  7.         int health; //生命值
  8. };

  9. struct Plant MyPlant[2];

  10. void InitAPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant) //初始化函数
  11. {
  12.         TargetPlant->height = 100;
  13.         TargetPlant->health = 85;
  14. }

  15. void CutPlant(int* health, int* height, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //剪切植物
  16. {
  17.         if (*height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  18.                 *height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  19.         else
  20.                 *health = 0; //被剪死了
  21. }

  22. void WaterPlant(int* health, int* height, int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //浇水
  23. {
  24.         int Orghealth = *health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  25.         *health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  26.         *height += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  27.         if (*health > 100) //生命值大于100
  28.                 *health = Orghealth + 100 - *health; //生命值倒扣
  29.         if (*health < 0) //淹死了
  30.                 *health = 0;
  31.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", *health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  32. }

  33. int main()
  34. {
  35.         int iOption; //操作选择
  36.         int iWQ; //浇水水量
  37.         int iCH; //修剪长度

  38.         int Day = 0; //天数
  39.         InitAPlant(&MyPlant[0]); //初始化植物
  40.         InitAPlant(&MyPlant[1]); //初始化植物
  41.         int PlantsCounter = 2; //待完成养殖的植物个数
  42.         int CurrentPlantIndex; //当前被操作的植物索引

  43.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have two saplings.\n");
  44.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  45.         while (PlantsCounter) //如果待完成养殖的植物个数为0则表示养殖任务完毕
  46.         {
  47.                 Day++;
  48.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  49.                 MyPlant[0].health -= 15;
  50.                 MyPlant[1].health -= 15;
  51.                 if (MyPlant[0].health > 20) //如果植物生命在20以上,那么正常生长。
  52.                         MyPlant[0].height += 10;
  53.                 if (MyPlant[1].health > 20)
  54.                         MyPlant[1].height += 10;

  55.                 printf("Reports for plant 1:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n", MyPlant[0].height, MyPlant[0].health);
  56.                 printf("Reports for plant 2:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n", MyPlant[1].height, MyPlant[1].health);
  57.                 if (MyPlant[0].health <= 0) //植物死了一颗,游戏失败
  58.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  59.                 if (MyPlant[1].health <= 0)
  60.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  61.                 if (MyPlant[0].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD) //养成一颗
  62.                         PlantsCounter--; //待完成养殖的植物个数-1
  63.                 if (MyPlant[1].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  64.                         PlantsCounter--;

  65.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[1] for 1st plant.[2] for 2nd plant.[AnyInputing] to pass any operating.\n");
  66.                 scanf("%d", &iOption); //选择一颗植物进行操作
  67.                 if (iOption != 1 && iOption != 2 || MyPlant[iOption - 1].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD) //没有选择任何一颗未完成之植物。因为C语言编译器对逻辑表达式的“短路计算”,MyPlant[iOption - 1]并不会越界。
  68.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;
  69.                 CurrentPlantIndex = iOption - 1; //修改索引
  70.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[0]Give it up.\n");
  71.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  72.                 switch (iOption)
  73.                 {
  74.                 case 1:
  75.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  76.                         scanf("%d", &iWQ);
  77.                         WaterPlant(&MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].health, &MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].height, iWQ);
  78.                         break;
  79.                 case 2:
  80.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  81.                         scanf("%d", &iCH);
  82.                         CutPlant(&MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].health, &MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].height, iCH);
  83.                         break;
  84.                 case 3:
  85.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  86.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  87.                 default:
  88.                         printf("You did nothing?\n");
  89.                 }
  90.         }
  91. Lbl_Exit:
  92.         if (MyPlant[0].health <= 0 || MyPlant[1].health <= 0)
  93.                 printf("You bad gardener.The plant was die.\n");
  94.         else if (MyPlant[0].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD && MyPlant[1].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  95.                 printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale for %d cm!\n", Day, HEIGHT_STANDARD);
  96.         else
  97.                 printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  98.         return 0;
  99. Lbl_Game_Over:
  100.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  101.         return 0;
  102. }

  1. //代码1-3
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #define HEIGHT_STANDARD 200 //植物标准高度
  4. #define PLANTS 100 //100个植物

  5. struct Plant //结构体“植物”
  6. {
  7.         int height; //高度
  8.         int health; //生命值
  9. };

  10. struct Plant MyPlant[PLANTS];

  11. void InitAPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant) //初始化函数
  12. {
  13.         TargetPlant->height = 100;
  14.         TargetPlant->health = 85;
  15. }

  16. void CutPlant(int* health, int* height, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //剪切植物
  17. {
  18.         if (*height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  19.                 *height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  20.         else
  21.                 *health = 0; //被剪死了
  22. }

  23. void WaterPlant(int* health, int* height, int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //浇水
  24. {
  25.         int Orghealth = *health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  26.         *health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  27.         *height += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  28.         if (*health > 100) //生命值大于100
  29.                 *health = Orghealth + 100 - *health; //生命值倒扣
  30.         if (*health < 0) //淹死了
  31.                 *health = 0;
  32.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", *health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  33. }

  34. int main()
  35. {
  36.         int i;
  37.         int iOption; //操作选择
  38.         int iWQ; //浇水水量
  39.         int iCH; //修剪长度

  40.         int Day = 0; //天数
  41.         for (i = 0; i < PLANTS; i++, InitAPlant(&MyPlant[i])); //初始化植物
  42.         int PlantsCounter = PLANTS; //待完成养殖的植物个数
  43.         int CurrentPlantIndex; //当前被操作的植物索引
  44.         int finishedIndex[PLANTS] = { 0 }; //记录完成索引

  45.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have &d saplings.\n", PLANTS);
  46.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  47.         while (PlantsCounter) //如果待完成养殖的植物个数为0则表示养殖任务完毕
  48.         {
  49.                 Day++;
  50.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  51.                 for (i = 0; i < PLANTS; i++)
  52.                 {
  53.                         MyPlant[i].health -= 15; //每天因为
  54.                         if (MyPlant[i].health > 20) //如果植物生命在20以上,那么正常生长。
  55.                                 MyPlant[i].height += 10;
  56.                         if (MyPlant[i].health <= 0) //植物死了一颗,游戏失败
  57.                                 goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  58.                         if (MyPlant[i].height == HEIGHT_STANDARD) //养成一颗
  59.                         {
  60.                                 PlantsCounter--; //待完成养殖的植物个数-1
  61.                                 finishedIndex[i] = 1;
  62.                         }
  63.                 }
  64.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.Input a number range from 1 to %d\n", PLANTS);
  65.                 printf("Here are unfinished plants which you can choose.:\n");
  66.                 for (i = 0; i < PLANTS; i++, (!finishedIndex[i]) ? printf("%d ", i) : 1); //打印未完成养殖的植物
  67.                 printf("\nIf your choice out of the above-mentioned, Current operating will be passed.PLEASE TREAT IT SERIOUSLY.\n");
  68.                 scanf("%d", &iOption); //选择一颗植物进行操作
  69.                 for (i = 0; i < PLANTS; i++, CurrentPlantIndex = (!finishedIndex[i]) && iOption - 1 == i ? i : -1); //选择一颗符合上述条件的植物
  70.                 if (CurrentPlantIndex == -1)
  71.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;
  72.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[0]Give it up.\n");
  73.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  74.                 switch (iOption)
  75.                 {
  76.                 case 1:
  77.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  78.                         scanf("%d", &iWQ);
  79.                         WaterPlant(&MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].health, &MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].height, iWQ);
  80.                         break;
  81.                 case 2:
  82.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  83.                         scanf("%d", &iCH);
  84.                         CutPlant(&MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].health, &MyPlant[CurrentPlantIndex].height, iCH);
  85.                         break;
  86.                 case 3:
  87.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  88.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  89.                 default:
  90.                         printf("You did nothing?\n");
  91.                 }
  92.         }
  93.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale for %d cm!\n", Day, HEIGHT_STANDARD);
  94.         return 0;
  95. Lbl_Exit:
  96.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  97.         return 0;
  98. Lbl_Game_Over:
  99.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  100.         return 0;
  101. }


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-17 21:15:33 | 显示全部楼层


0.        退出游戏
1.        浇水
2.        修剪高度
3.        摘果子
4.        什么也不做
选择浇水,可以输入水量(以公升计算)。每浇水一升,树苗生命值+1 。如果生命值超过100,则进行倒扣(浇水过多植物寿命减少)。如果当天选择浇水,则树苗当天高度立即+6(树苗吸水增长)。
你的目标:使得树苗高度达到可以售卖的标准200cm。同时天数越短越好。达到200cm后的果树:苹果与橘子单个售价均为$1, 卖果子所得的钱将作为你的额外收入。收入越多越好。
  1. //代码2-1
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #define HEIGHT_STANDARD 200 //植物标准高度

  4. struct Plant //结构体“植物”
  5. {
  6.         int height; //高度
  7.         int health; //生命值
  8.         int apple;  //苹果个数
  9.         int orange; //橘子个数
  10. };

  11. struct Plant AppleTree;  //苹果树
  12. struct Plant OrangeTree; //橘子树

  13. void InitAPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant) //初始化函数
  14. {
  15.         TargetPlant->height = 100;
  16.         TargetPlant->health = 85;
  17.         TargetPlant->apple = 0;
  18.         TargetPlant->orange = 0;
  19. }

  20. void CutPlant(int* health, int* height, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //剪切植物
  21. {
  22.         if (*height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  23.                 *height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  24.         else
  25.                 *health = 0; //被剪死了
  26. }

  27. void WaterPlant(int* health, int* height, int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //浇水
  28. {
  29.         int Orghealth = *health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  30.         *health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  31.         *height += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  32.         if (*health > 100) //生命值大于100
  33.                 *health = Orghealth + 100 - *health; //生命值倒扣
  34.         if (*health < 0) //淹死了
  35.                 *health = 0;
  36.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", *health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  37. }

  38. void PickFruit(struct Plant* fruitTree, int howManyFruits)
  39. {
  40.         int Apple = fruitTree->apple;   //苹果数
  41.         int Orange = fruitTree->orange; //橘子数
  42.         //摘果
  43.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  44.                 fruitTree->apple -= howManyFruits;
  45.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  46.                 fruitTree->orange -= howManyFruits;
  47. }

  48. int main()
  49. {
  50.         int i;
  51.         int iOption; //操作选择
  52.         int iWQ; //浇水水量
  53.         int iCH; //修剪长度
  54.         int iFT; //摘果个数

  55.         int Day = 0; //天数

  56.         InitAPlant(&AppleTree);
  57.         InitAPlant(&OrangeTree);

  58.         struct Plant* TargetPlant;

  59.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have double saplings.\n");
  60.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  61.         while (1)
  62.         {
  63.                 Day++;
  64.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  65.                 AppleTree.health -= 15 + AppleTree.apple * 2;
  66.                 OrangeTree.health -= 15 + OrangeTree.orange * 2;
  67.                 printf("\tHealth -15.\n");
  68.                 if (AppleTree.health > 20)
  69.                         AppleTree.height += 10;
  70.                 if (OrangeTree.health > 20)
  71.                         OrangeTree.height += 10;
  72.                 if (AppleTree.health >= 30)
  73.                         AppleTree.apple++;
  74.                 if (OrangeTree.health >= 60)
  75.                         OrangeTree.orange++;
  76.                 printf("Reports for apple tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", AppleTree.height, AppleTree.health, AppleTree.apple);
  77.                 printf("Reports for orange tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", OrangeTree.height, OrangeTree.health, OrangeTree.orange);

  78.                 if (AppleTree.health <= 0 || OrangeTree.health <= 0)
  79.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;

  80.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[0] for apple tree,[Any inputing] for orange tree.\n");
  81.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  82.                 if (!iOption && AppleTree.height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  83.                         TargetPlant = &AppleTree;
  84.                 else
  85.                         TargetPlant = &OrangeTree;

  86.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[3]Pick Fruits.[0]Give it up.\n");
  87.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  88.                 switch (iOption)
  89.                 {
  90.                 case 1:
  91.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  92.                         scanf("%d", &iWQ);
  93.                         WaterPlant(&TargetPlant->health, &TargetPlant->height, iWQ);
  94.                         break;
  95.                 case 2:
  96.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  97.                         scanf("%d", &iCH);
  98.                         CutPlant(&TargetPlant->health, &TargetPlant->height, iCH);
  99.                         break;
  100.                 case 3:
  101.                         printf("\tInput quantity to pick up:");
  102.                         scanf("%d", &iFT);
  103.                         PickFruit(TargetPlant, iFT);
  104.                         break;
  105.                 case 0:
  106.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  107.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  108.                 default:
  109.                         printf("You did nothing?\n");
  110.                 }
  111.         }
  112.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale! Any you got $%d for pocket money!\n", Day, AppleTree.apple + OrangeTree.orange);
  113.         return 0;
  114. Lbl_Exit:
  115.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  116.         return 0;
  117. Lbl_Game_Over:
  118.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  119.         return 0;
  120. }

  1. //代码2-2
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #define HEIGHT_STANDARD 200 //植物标准高度
  4. #define THIS TargetPlant

  5. struct Plant //结构体“植物”
  6. {
  7.         int height; //高度
  8.         int health; //生命值
  9.         int apple;  //苹果个数
  10.         int orange; //橘子个数
  11.         void(*Cut)(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int iCuttOffHeightByMillimeter); //修剪植物
  12.         void(*Water)(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int iWaterQuantityByLitery);   //浇水
  13.         void(*PickFruits)(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int howManyFruits);       //摘果子
  14. };

  15. struct Plant AppleTree;  //苹果树
  16. struct Plant OrangeTree; //橘子树

  17. void CutPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //剪切植物
  18. {
  19.         if (TargetPlant->height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  20.                 TargetPlant->height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  21.         else
  22.                 TargetPlant->health = 0; //被剪死了
  23. }

  24. void WaterPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //浇水
  25. {
  26.         int Orghealth = TargetPlant->health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  27.         TargetPlant->health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  28.         TargetPlant->health += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  29.         if (TargetPlant->health > 100) //生命值大于100
  30.                 TargetPlant->health = Orghealth + 100 - TargetPlant->health; //生命值倒扣
  31.         if (TargetPlant->health < 0) //淹死了
  32.                 TargetPlant->health = 0;
  33.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", TargetPlant->health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  34. }

  35. void PickFruit(struct Plant* fruitTree, int howManyFruits)
  36. {
  37.         int Apple = fruitTree->apple;   //苹果数
  38.         int Orange = fruitTree->orange; //橘子数
  39.         //摘果
  40.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  41.                 fruitTree->apple -= howManyFruits;
  42.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  43.                 fruitTree->orange -= howManyFruits;
  44. }

  45. void HangARealDay(void)
  46. {
  47.         AppleTree.health -= 15 + AppleTree.apple * 2;
  48.         OrangeTree.health -= 15 + OrangeTree.orange * 2;
  49.         printf("\tHealth -15.\n");
  50.         if (AppleTree.health > 20)
  51.                 AppleTree.height += 10;
  52.         if (OrangeTree.health > 20)
  53.                 OrangeTree.height += 10;
  54.         if (AppleTree.health >= 30)
  55.                 AppleTree.apple++;
  56.         if (OrangeTree.health >= 60)
  57.                 OrangeTree.orange++;
  58.         printf("Reports for apple tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", AppleTree.height, AppleTree.health, AppleTree.apple);
  59.         printf("Reports for orange tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", OrangeTree.height, OrangeTree.health, OrangeTree.orange);
  60. }

  61. void InitAPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant) //初始化函数
  62. {
  63.         TargetPlant->height = 100;
  64.         TargetPlant->health = 85;
  65.         TargetPlant->apple = 0;
  66.         TargetPlant->orange = 0;
  67.         TargetPlant->Cut = CutPlant;
  68.         TargetPlant->Water = WaterPlant;
  69.         TargetPlant->PickFruits = PickFruit;
  70. }

  71. int main()
  72. {
  73.         int iOption; //操作选择
  74.         int subOption;

  75.         int Day = 0; //天数

  76.         InitAPlant(&AppleTree);
  77.         InitAPlant(&OrangeTree);

  78.         struct Plant* TargetPlant;

  79.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have double saplings.\n");
  80.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  81.         while (1)
  82.         {
  83.                 Day++;
  84.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  85.                 HangARealDay(); //Hang A Real Day is HARD.

  86.                 if (AppleTree.health <= 0 || OrangeTree.health <= 0)
  87.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;

  88.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[0] for apple tree,[1] for orange tree.\n");
  89.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  90.                 if (!iOption && AppleTree.height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  91.                         TargetPlant = &AppleTree;
  92.                 else if (iOption == 1 && OrangeTree.height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  93.                         TargetPlant = &OrangeTree;
  94.                 else
  95.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;

  96.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[3]Pick Fruits.[0]Give it up.\n");
  97.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  98.                 switch (iOption)
  99.                 {
  100.                 case 1:
  101.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  102.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  103.                         TargetPlant->Water(THIS, subOption); //THIS就代表TargetPlant
  104.                         break;
  105.                 case 2:
  106.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  107.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  108.                         TargetPlant->Cut(THIS, subOption); //THIS就代表TargetPlant
  109.                         break;
  110.                 case 3:
  111.                         printf("\tInput quantity to pick up:");
  112.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  113.                         TargetPlant->PickFruits(THIS, subOption); //THIS就代表TargetPlant
  114.                         break;
  115.                 case 0:
  116.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  117.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  118.                 default:
  119.                         printf("You did nothing?\n");
  120.                 }
  121.         }
  122.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale! Any you got $%d for pocket money!\n", Day, AppleTree.apple + OrangeTree.orange);
  123.         return 0;
  124. Lbl_Exit:
  125.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  126.         return 0;
  127. Lbl_Game_Over:
  128.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  129.         return 0;
  130. }

回复 赞! 靠!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-17 21:25:04 | 显示全部楼层

  1. //代码3-1
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. const int HEIGHT_STANDARD = 200; //植物标准高度

  4. class Plant//植物类
  5. {
  6. public: //公开类中所有成员
  7.         int height = 100;
  8.         int health = 85;
  9.         int apple = 0;
  10.         int orange = 0;
  11.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);  //剪切植物
  12.         void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery);    //浇水
  13.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);         //摘果子
  14. };

  15. void Plant::Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //成员函数
  16. {
  17.         if (height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  18.                 height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  19.         else
  20.                 health = 0; //被剪死了
  21. }

  22. void Plant::Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //成员函数
  23. {
  24.         int Orghealth = health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  25.         health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  26.         health += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  27.         if (health > 100) //生命值大于100
  28.                 health = Orghealth + 100 - health; //生命值倒扣
  29.         if (health < 0) //淹死了
  30.                 health = 0;
  31.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  32. }

  33. void Plant::PickFruit(int howManyFruits) //成员函数
  34. {
  35.         int Apple = apple;   //苹果数
  36.         int Orange = orange; //橘子数
  37.                                                  //摘果
  38.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  39.                 apple -= howManyFruits;
  40.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  41.                 orange -= howManyFruits;
  42. }

  43. void HangARealDay(Plant* AppleTree, Plant* OrangeTree) //全局函数
  44. {
  45.         AppleTree->health -= 15 + AppleTree->apple * 2;
  46.         OrangeTree->health -= 15 + OrangeTree->orange * 2;
  47.         printf("\tHealth -15\n");
  48.         if (AppleTree->health > 20)
  49.                 AppleTree->height += 10;
  50.         if (OrangeTree->health > 20)
  51.                 OrangeTree->height += 10;
  52.         if (AppleTree->health >= 30)
  53.                 AppleTree->apple++;
  54.         if (OrangeTree->health >= 60)
  55.                 OrangeTree->orange++;
  56.         printf("Reports for apple tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", AppleTree->height, AppleTree->health, AppleTree->apple);
  57.         printf("Reports for orange tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", OrangeTree->height, OrangeTree->health, OrangeTree->orange);
  58. }

  59. int main()
  60. {
  61.         int iOption; //操作选择
  62.         int subOption;

  63.         int Day = 0; //天数

  64.         Plant* AppleTree = new Plant;  //以Plant为模板,建造一棵苹果树
  65.         Plant* OrangeTree = new Plant; //以Plant为模板,建造一棵橘子树
  66.         Plant* TargetPlant;

  67.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have double saplings.\n");
  68.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  69.         while (1)
  70.         {
  71.                 Day++;
  72.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  73.                 HangARealDay(AppleTree, OrangeTree);

  74.                 if (AppleTree->health <= 0 || OrangeTree->health <= 0)
  75.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  76.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[0] for apple tree,[1] for orange tree.\n");
  77.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  78.                 if (!iOption && AppleTree->height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  79.                         TargetPlant = AppleTree;
  80.                 else if (iOption == 1 && OrangeTree->height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  81.                         TargetPlant = OrangeTree;
  82.                 else
  83.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;

  84.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[3]Pick Fruits.[0]Give it up.\n");
  85.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  86.                 switch (iOption)
  87.                 {
  88.                 case 1:
  89.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  90.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  91.                         TargetPlant->Water(subOption); //省略THIS
  92.                         break;
  93.                 case 2:
  94.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  95.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  96.                         TargetPlant->Cut(subOption); //省略THIS
  97.                         break;
  98.                 case 3:
  99.                         printf("\tInput quantity to pick up:");
  100.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  101.                         TargetPlant->PickFruit(subOption); //省略THIS
  102.                         break;
  103.                 case 0:
  104.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  105.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  106.                 default:
  107.                         printf("You have done nothing?\n");
  108.                 }
  109.         }
  110.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale! Any you got $%d for pocket money!\n", Day, AppleTree->apple + OrangeTree->orange);
  111.         return 0;
  112. Lbl_Exit:
  113.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  114.         return 0;
  115. Lbl_Game_Over:
  116.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  117.         return 0;
  118. }

如果大家仔细阅读并且思考了本文上述全部C代码,不难看出:class Plant(植物类)其实是一个结构体,然而,这个结构体内的变量能被直接初始化。类中声明的函数,就是前面C结构体中的函数指针。具体的函数实现就是下面的成员函数。“::”符号是访问限定符,int Plant::XXX()表示int XXX函数属于类Plant。成员函数内部可以直接使用所在类内部的变量而无须使用“THIS”指针。
创建一个以这个类为数据类型的变量使用语句:ClassName* var = new ClassName;,或者ClassName var;。这个过程被称作为“类的实例化”。var就是该类实例化出来的一个对象。
  1. //代码3-2
  2. class Plant//植物类
  3. {
  4. public: //公开类中所有成员
  5.         int height = 100;
  6.         int health = 85;
  7.         int apple = 0;
  8.         int orange = 0;
  9.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter)       //剪切植物
  10.         {
  11.                 if (height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  12.                         height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  13.                 else
  14.                         health = 0; //被剪死了
  15.         }
  16.         inline void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery); //浇水
  17.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);             //摘果子
  18. };

  19. void Plant::Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //成员函数
  20. {
  21.         int Orghealth = health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  22.         health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  23.         health += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  24.         if (health > 100) //生命值大于100
  25.                 health = Orghealth + 100 - health; //生命值倒扣
  26.         if (health < 0) //淹死了
  27.                 health = 0;
  28.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  29. }

  30. void Plant::PickFruit(int howManyFruits) //成员函数
  31. {
  32.         int Apple = apple;   //苹果数
  33.         int Orange = orange; //橘子数
  34.                                                  //摘果
  35.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  36.                 apple -= howManyFruits;
  37.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  38.                 orange -= howManyFruits;
  39. }

void CutPlant(struct Plant* TargetPlant, int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);
然后位于代码第三行处有一个THIS宏:#define THIS TargetPlant 。当我们使用Cut函数时是这样子调用的:TargetPlant->Cut(THIS, subOption); //THIS就代表TargetPlant 而在C++中我们调用Cut函数的时候:TargetPlant->Cut(subOption); //省略THIS 。
  1. //代码3-3
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace std;

  4. class MyClass
  5. {
  6. public:
  7.         char word[100] = {"Hello nice to meet you!\n"};
  8.         void SayHelloA()
  9.         {
  10.                 cout << "Hello glad to see you!" << endl;
  11.         }
  12.         void SayHelloB()
  13.         {
  14.                 cout << word;
  15.         }
  16. };

  17. int main()
  18. {
  19.         MyClass* objHelloA = new MyClass;
  20.         MyClass* objHelloB = NULL;
  21.         objHelloA->SayHelloA();
  22.         objHelloA->SayHelloB();

  23.         objHelloB->SayHelloA(); //请将断点下于此处
  24.         objHelloB->SayHelloB(); //运行出错

  25.         return 0;
  26. }

  1. //代码3-4
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace std;

  4. class MyClass
  5. {
  6. public:
  7.         int counter = 0;
  8.         void Increase();
  9. };

  10. void MyClass::Increase()
  11. {
  12.         this->counter++;
  13. }

  14. int main()
  15. {
  16.         MyClass* objA = new MyClass;
  17.         MyClass* objB = new MyClass;
  18.         objA->Increase();
  19.         cout << objB->counter << endl;
  20.         return 0;
  21. }

所以this指针访问该实例构造出来的,属于该实例“自己”的那个类的内存中的成员变量counter。简而言之,objA在new的时候new出来一个:int counter = 0; 、一个void(*Increase)(void); ,objB在new的时候“又”new出来一个int counter = 0; 、一个void(*Increase)(void); 。如果再new一个objC,那么内存中再多一组int counter = 0; 、void(*Increase)(void); 。此时虽然三个obj都有counter,但是objC中的Increase函数只访问objC内存中的counter。
0.        退出游戏
1.        浇水
2.        修剪高度
3.        摘果子
4.        什么也不做
选择浇水,可以输入水量(以公升计算)。每浇水一升,树苗生命值+1 。如果生命值超过100,则进行倒扣(浇水过多植物寿命减少)。如果当天选择浇水,则树苗当天高度立即+6(树苗吸水增长)。
你的目标:使得树苗高度达到可以售卖的标准200cm。同时天数越短越好。达到200cm后的果树:苹果与橘子单个售价均为$1, 卖果子所得的钱将作为你的额外收入。收入越多越好。
  1. //代码3-5
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. const int HEIGHT_STANDARD = 200; //植物标准高度

  4. class Plant//植物类
  5. {
  6. public: //公开类中所有成员
  7.         int height = 0;
  8.         int health = 0;
  9.         int apple = 0;
  10.         int orange = 0;
  11.         Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight);           //构造函数
  12.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);  //剪切植物
  13.         void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery);    //浇水
  14.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);         //摘果子
  15. };

  16. Plant::Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight)
  17. {
  18.         health = vHealth;
  19.         height = vHeight;
  20. }

  21. void Plant::Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //成员函数
  22. {
  23.         if (height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  24.                 height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  25.         else
  26.                 health = 0; //被剪死了
  27. }

  28. void Plant::Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //成员函数
  29. {
  30.         int Orghealth = health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  31.         health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  32.         health += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  33.         if (health > 100) //生命值大于100
  34.                 health = Orghealth + 100 - health; //生命值倒扣
  35.         if (health < 0) //淹死了
  36.                 health = 0;
  37.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  38. }

  39. void Plant::PickFruit(int howManyFruits) //成员函数
  40. {
  41.         int Apple = apple;   //苹果数
  42.         int Orange = orange; //橘子数
  43.                                                  //摘果
  44.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  45.                 apple -= howManyFruits;
  46.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  47.                 orange -= howManyFruits;
  48. }

  49. void HangARealDay(Plant* AppleTree, Plant* OrangeTree) //全局函数
  50. {
  51.         AppleTree->health -= 15 + AppleTree->apple * 2;
  52.         OrangeTree->health -= 15 + OrangeTree->orange * 2;
  53.         printf("\tHealth -15\n");
  54.         if (AppleTree->health > 20)
  55.                 AppleTree->height += 10;
  56.         if (OrangeTree->health > 20)
  57.                 OrangeTree->height += 10;
  58.         if (AppleTree->health >= 30)
  59.                 AppleTree->apple++;
  60.         if (OrangeTree->health >= 60)
  61.                 OrangeTree->orange++;
  62.         printf("Reports for apple tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", AppleTree->height, AppleTree->health, AppleTree->apple);
  63.         printf("Reports for orange tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", OrangeTree->height, OrangeTree->health, OrangeTree->orange);
  64. }

  65. int main()
  66. {
  67.         int iOption; //操作选择
  68.         int subOption;

  69.         int Day = 0; //天数

  70.         Plant* AppleTree = new Plant(100, 85);  //构建苹果树时使用类的构造函数,给参:生命值、高度
  71.         Plant* OrangeTree = new Plant(90, 105); //构建橘子树时使用类的构造函数,给参:生命值、高度
  72.         Plant* TargetPlant;

  73.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have double saplings.\n");
  74.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  75.         while (1)
  76.         {
  77.                 Day++;
  78.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  79.                 HangARealDay(AppleTree, OrangeTree);

  80.                 if (AppleTree->health <= 0 || OrangeTree->health <= 0)
  81.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  82.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[0] for apple tree,[1] for orange tree.\n");
  83.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  84.                 if (!iOption && AppleTree->height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  85.                         TargetPlant = AppleTree;
  86.                 else if (iOption == 1 && OrangeTree->height != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  87.                         TargetPlant = OrangeTree;
  88.                 else
  89.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;

  90.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[3]Pick Fruits.[0]Give it up.\n");
  91.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  92.                 switch (iOption)
  93.                 {
  94.                 case 1:
  95.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  96.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  97.                         TargetPlant->Water(subOption); //省略THIS
  98.                         break;
  99.                 case 2:
  100.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  101.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  102.                         TargetPlant->Cut(subOption); //省略THIS
  103.                         break;
  104.                 case 3:
  105.                         printf("\tInput quantity to pick up:");
  106.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  107.                         TargetPlant->PickFruit(subOption); //省略THIS
  108.                         break;
  109.                 case 0:
  110.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  111.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  112.                 default:
  113.                         printf("You have done nothing?\n");
  114.                 }
  115.         }
  116.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale! Any you got $%d for pocket money!\n", Day, AppleTree->apple + OrangeTree->orange);
  117.         return 0;
  118. Lbl_Exit:
  119.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  120.         return 0;
  121. Lbl_Game_Over:
  122.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  123.         return 0;
  124. }

        Plant AppleTree(100, 85);
        Plant OrangeTree(90, 105);
  1. //代码3-6
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. #include <string.h>
  4. using namespace std;

  5. class Str
  6. {
  7. public:
  8.         char* ptrStr = NULL;
  9.         Str(char* vStr);
  10.         ~Str();
  11. };

  12. Str::Str(char* vStr)
  13. {
  14.         ptrStr = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(vStr) + 1));
  15.         strcpy(ptrStr, vStr);
  16. }

  17. Str::~Str()
  18. {
  19.         free(ptrStr);
  20. }

  21. int main()
  22. {
  23.         Str varString = "abcdefg";
  24.         cout << varString.ptrStr << endl;
  25.         return 0;
  26. }

回复 赞! 靠!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-17 21:30:18 | 显示全部楼层

卜算子 OOP
  1. class Plant//植物类
  2. {
  3. public: //公开类中所有成员
  4.         int height = 0;
  5.         int health = 0;
  6.         int apple = 0;
  7.         int orange = 0;
  8.         Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight);           //构造函数
  9.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);  //剪切植物
  10.         void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery);    //浇水
  11.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);         //摘果子
  12. };

我们可以看到,访问植物属性用的是什么办法呢?对了,直接读取公有属性height,health。这样做并不是很好的。因为如果误设了属性变量值,比如将health设置为负数。或者在if判断语句中不小心将==写成了=比如 if (MyPlant.height = 200) 然后导致了bug。怎么解决?将保存属性的变量与属性的读取设置过程分离开来,我们一起改造原先的类:
  1. //代码4-1
  2. class Plant//植物类
  3. {
  4. public:
  5.         int height = 0;
  6.         int health = 0;
  7.         int apple = 0;
  8.         int orange = 0;
  9.         Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight);           //构造函数
  10.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);  //剪切植物
  11.         void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery);    //浇水
  12.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);         //摘果子
  13.         bool ReduceHeight(int Height);             //消减高度
  14.         bool ReduceHealth(int Health);             //消减生命值
  15.         bool IncreaseFruit(int FruitsNumber);      //结果子
  16.         int GetHeight(void)                        //取得高度
  17.         {
  18.                 return height;
  19.         }
  20.         int GetHealth(void)                        //取得生命值
  21.         {
  22.                 return health;
  23.         }
  24.         int GetAppleFruit(void)                    //取得苹果数量
  25.         {
  26.                 return apple;
  27.         }
  28.         int GetOrangeFruit(void)                   //取得橘子数量
  29.         {
  30.                 return orange;
  31.         }
  32. };

  1. //代码4-2
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. const int HEIGHT_STANDARD = 200; //植物标准高度

  4. class Plant//植物类
  5. {
  6. private:
  7.         int height = 0;
  8.         int health = 0;
  9.         int apple = 0;
  10.         int orange = 0;
  11. public:
  12.         Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight);           //构造函数
  13.         void Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter);  //剪切植物
  14.         void Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery);    //浇水
  15.         void PickFruit(int howManyFruits);         //摘果子
  16.         bool ReduceHeight(int Height);             //消减高度
  17.         bool ReduceHealth(int Health);             //消减生命值
  18.         bool IncreaseFruit(int FruitsNumber);      //结果子
  19.         int GetHeight(void)                        //取得高度
  20.         {
  21.                 return height;
  22.         }
  23.         int GetHealth(void)                        //取得生命值
  24.         {
  25.                 return health;
  26.         }
  27.         int GetAppleFruits(void)                    //取得苹果数量
  28.         {
  29.                 return apple;
  30.         }
  31.         int GetOrangeFruits(void)                   //取得橘子数量
  32.         {
  33.                 return orange;
  34.         }
  35. };

  36. Plant::Plant(int vHealth, int vHeight)
  37. {
  38.         health = vHealth;
  39.         height = vHeight;
  40. }

  41. void Plant::Cut(int iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter) //成员函数
  42. {
  43.         if (height - iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter >= 0) //若剪切后的高度大于0
  44.                 height -= iCuttOffHeightByCentiMeter; //剪切
  45.         else
  46.                 health = 0; //被剪死了
  47. }

  48. void Plant::Water(int iWaterQuantityByLitery) //成员函数
  49. {
  50.         int Orghealth = health; //记录浇水前的生命值
  51.         health += iWaterQuantityByLitery; //生命值等于浇水水量
  52.         health += 6; //每次浇水高度+6
  53.         if (health > 100) //生命值大于100
  54.                 health = Orghealth + 100 - health; //生命值倒扣
  55.         if (health < 0) //淹死了
  56.                 health = 0;
  57.         printf("\thealth+ %d\n\tHeight+ 6\n", health - Orghealth); //显示浇水后生命值以及高度的变化
  58. }

  59. void Plant::PickFruit(int howManyFruits) //成员函数
  60. {
  61.         int Apple = apple;   //苹果数
  62.         int Orange = orange; //橘子数
  63.                                                  //摘果
  64.         if (Apple > 0 && Apple - howManyFruits >= 0)
  65.                 apple -= howManyFruits;
  66.         if (Orange > 0 && Orange - howManyFruits >= 0)
  67.                 orange -= howManyFruits;
  68. }

  69. bool Plant::ReduceHeight(int Height)
  70. {
  71.         if (this->height - Height >= 0)
  72.                 return false;
  73.         else
  74.                 this->height -= Height;
  75.         return true;
  76. }

  77. bool Plant::ReduceHealth(int Health)
  78. {
  79.         if (this->health - Health >= 0)
  80.                 return false;
  81.         else
  82.                 this->health -= Health;
  83.         return true;
  84. }

  85. bool Plant::IncreaseFruit(int FruitsNumber)
  86. {
  87.         if (FruitsNumber >= 0)
  88.         {
  89.                 apple += FruitsNumber;
  90.                 orange += FruitsNumber;
  91.                 return true;
  92.         }
  93.         else
  94.                 return false;
  95. }

  96. void HangARealDay(Plant* AppleTree, Plant* OrangeTree) //全局函数
  97. {
  98.         AppleTree->ReduceHealth(-(15 + AppleTree->GetAppleFruits() * 2));
  99.         OrangeTree->ReduceHealth(-(15 + OrangeTree->GetOrangeFruits() * 2));
  100.         printf("\t- Health\n");
  101.         if (AppleTree->GetHeight() > 20)
  102.                 AppleTree->ReduceHeight(-10);
  103.         if (OrangeTree->GetHealth() > 20)
  104.                 OrangeTree->ReduceHeight(-10);
  105.         if (AppleTree->GetHealth() >= 30)
  106.                 AppleTree->IncreaseFruit(1);
  107.         if (OrangeTree->GetHealth() >= 60)
  108.                 OrangeTree->IncreaseFruit(1);
  109.         printf("Reports for apple tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", AppleTree->GetHeight(), AppleTree->GetHealth(), AppleTree->GetAppleFruits());
  110.         printf("Reports for orange tree:\n\tHeight: %d/200\n\tHealth: %d/100\n\tFruits: %d\n", OrangeTree->GetHeight(), OrangeTree->GetHealth(), OrangeTree->GetOrangeFruits());
  111. }

  112. int main()
  113. {
  114.         int iOption; //操作选择
  115.         int subOption;

  116.         int Day = 0; //天数

  117.         Plant* AppleTree = new Plant(100, 85);  //构建苹果树时使用类的构造函数,给参:生命值、高度
  118.         Plant* OrangeTree = new Plant(90, 105); //构建橘子树时使用类的构造函数,给参:生命值、高度
  119.         Plant* TargetPlant;

  120.         printf("Welcome!\nNow you have double saplings.\n");
  121.         printf("Begin your career as a gardener, and enjoy the game.\n");

  122.         while (1)
  123.         {
  124.                 Day++;
  125.                 printf("Days %d\n", Day);
  126.                 HangARealDay(AppleTree, OrangeTree);

  127.                 if (AppleTree->GetHealth() <= 0 || OrangeTree->GetHealth() <= 0)
  128.                         goto Lbl_Game_Over;
  129.                 printf("Choose a plant to operate.[0] for apple tree,[1] for orange tree.\n");
  130.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  131.                 if (!iOption && AppleTree->GetHeight() != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  132.                         TargetPlant = AppleTree;
  133.                 else if (iOption == 1 && OrangeTree->GetHeight() != HEIGHT_STANDARD)
  134.                         TargetPlant = OrangeTree;
  135.                 else
  136.                         goto Lbl_Pass_Anyway;

  137.                 printf("[1]Water.[2]Cut.[3]Pick Fruits.[0]Give it up.\n");
  138.                 scanf("%d", &iOption);
  139.                 switch (iOption)
  140.                 {
  141.                 case 1:
  142.                         printf("\tInput water quantity:");
  143.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  144.                         TargetPlant->Water(subOption); //省略THIS
  145.                         break;
  146.                 case 2:
  147.                         printf("\tInput height to cut:");
  148.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  149.                         TargetPlant->Cut(subOption); //省略THIS
  150.                         break;
  151.                 case 3:
  152.                         printf("\tInput quantity to pick up:");
  153.                         scanf("%d", &subOption);
  154.                         TargetPlant->PickFruit(subOption); //省略THIS
  155.                         break;
  156.                 case 0:
  157.                         goto Lbl_Exit;
  158.                 Lbl_Pass_Anyway:
  159.                 default:
  160.                         printf("You have done nothing?\n");
  161.                 }
  162.         }
  163.         printf("%d Days,All plants were fit to sale! Any you got $%d for pocket money!\n", Day, AppleTree->GetAppleFruits() + OrangeTree->GetOrangeFruits());
  164.         return 0;
  165. Lbl_Exit:
  166.         printf("Wont you keep going on it?\n");
  167.         return 0;
  168. Lbl_Game_Over:
  169.         printf("One of your plants was die.");
  170.         return 0;
  171. }

请看问题:如果我要让所有的同一个类造出来的实例都能访问一个变量,该怎么做?可能大家会回答:这还不简单,在类外部定义变量即可。那么我要求在类内部定义呢?这时大家打脸:意义何在?回答:如果我有“动物类(class Animal)”和“植物类(class Plant)”我是上帝,定义在一年(365天)的春季初(3月,差不多一年开始第90天)动物发情植物授粉。现在我要把所有的“动物类”的实例动物全部搬到南半球,植物都在北半球。南半球的春天是北半球的冬天。差不多发情期在第270天左右。好了现在设置两个共有变量: int植物授粉期 = 90;int 动物发情期 = 90; 在main函数中改:动物发情期 = 270; XXX;XXX;。如此这般我还不如在两个类中都申明一个静态变量static int Estrus = 90; 然后呢我只要改Animal类的一个实例,比如Cat,Cat.Estrus = 270;这时候Animal的实例不管是老虎还是狼,它们的发情期都变成了270.
  1. //代码4-3
  2. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace std;

  4. class Animal
  5. {
  6. private:
  7.         int health = 100;
  8.         int XXX;
  9. public:
  10.         static int estrus;

  11.         void Kill()
  12.         {
  13.                 health = 0;
  14.         }
  15. };

  16. class Plant
  17. {
  18. private:
  19.         int health = 100;
  20.         int XXX;
  21. public:
  22.         static int estrus;

  23.         void Kill()
  24.         {
  25.                 health = 0;
  26.         }
  27. };

  28. int Animal::estrus = 90; //使用静态成员变量必须用这种方式进行静态成员变量的初始化
  29. int Plant::estrus = 90;  //使用静态成员变量必须用这种方式进行静态成员变量的初始化

  30. int main()
  31. {
  32.         Plant Tree;
  33.         Plant Grass;
  34.         Animal Cat;
  35.         Animal Tiger;
  36.         Animal Wolf;
  37.         Animal Dog;
  39.         cout << "Cat: " << Cat.estrus << endl;
  40.         cout << "Dog: " << Dog.estrus << endl;
  41.         cout << "Cat: " << Wolf.estrus << endl;
  42.         Dog.estrus = 270;
  43.         cout << "Cat: " << Cat.estrus << endl;
  44.         cout << "Dog: " << Dog.estrus << endl;
  45.         cout << "Cat: " << Wolf.estrus << endl;
  46.         return 0;
  47. }

革命成功后随之而来的就是对政权的巩固,然而这个过程并不是一天两天,十年八年。甚至要维持到王朝结束的前一天。我们暂时解决的了人民的内部问题:分配了资产,个人的给个人,大家的大家共享。但是有一句话:One Problem Finished, Another Always Come.接下来的几章中,老C继续带大家探索实践发现“面向对象”。
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