- 2
- 精华
- 积分
- 7770
- 威望
- 点
- 宅币
- 个
- 贡献
- 次
- 宅之契约
- 份
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 在线时间
- 小时
- import android.util.Log;
- public class injectjava {
- static void initialize(){
- Log.i("INJECTJAVA","injectava called");
- }
- }
- #define LOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "INJECTJAVA", __VA_ARGS__)
- #define DEXNAME "/data/local/tmp/inject.dex"
- typedef void Object;
- typedef void ClassObject;
- typedef void Thread;
- typedef uint8_t u1;
- typedef uint32_t u4;
- struct JNIEnvExt
- {
- const struct JNINativeInterface* funcTable;
- const struct JNINativeInterface* baseFuncTable;
- u4 envThreadId;
- Thread* self;
- };
- typedef void DexOptHeader;
- typedef void DexStringId;
- typedef void DexTypeId;
- typedef void DexFieldId;
- typedef void DexMethodId;
- typedef void DexProtoId;
- typedef void DexLink;
- typedef void DexClassLookup;
- struct DexHeader
- {
- u1 magic[8]; /* includes version number */
- u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum */
- u1 signature[20]; /* SHA-1 hash */
- u4 fileSize; /* length of entire file */
- u4 headerSize; /* offset to start of next section */
- u4 endianTag;
- u4 linkSize;
- u4 linkOff;
- u4 mapOff;
- u4 stringIdsSize;
- u4 stringIdsOff;
- u4 typeIdsSize;
- u4 typeIdsOff;
- u4 protoIdsSize;
- u4 protoIdsOff;
- u4 fieldIdsSize;
- u4 fieldIdsOff;
- u4 methodIdsSize;
- u4 methodIdsOff;
- u4 classDefsSize;
- u4 classDefsOff;
- u4 dataSize;
- u4 dataOff;
- };
- struct DexClassDef
- {
- u4 classIdx; /* index into typeIds for this class */
- u4 accessFlags;
- u4 superclassIdx; /* index into typeIds for superclass */
- u4 interfacesOff; /* file offset to DexTypeList */
- u4 sourceFileIdx; /* index into stringIds for source file name */
- u4 annotationsOff; /* file offset to annotations_directory_item */
- u4 classDataOff; /* file offset to class_data_item */
- u4 staticValuesOff; /* file offset to DexEncodedArray */
- };
- struct DexFile
- {
- DexOptHeader *pOptHeader;
- DexHeader *pHeader;
- DexStringId *pStringIds;
- DexTypeId *pTypeIds;
- DexFieldId *pFieldIds;
- DexMethodId *pMethodIds;
- DexProtoId *pProtoIds;
- DexClassDef *pClassDefs;
- DexLink *pLinkData;
- DexClassLookup *pClassLookup;
- };
- struct DvmDex
- {
- DexFile* pDexFile;
- };
- int (*dvmDexFileOpenPartial)(const void* addr, int len, DvmDex** ppDvmDex)=0;
- int (*dexSwapAndVerify)(void* addr, int len)=0;
- JNIEnv* (*dvmGetJNIEnvForThread)()=0;
- Object* (*dvmDecodeIndirectRef)(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj)=0;
- Object* (*dvmDecodeIndirectRef_)(Thread* self, jobject jobj)=0;
- ClassObject* (*dvmDefineClass)(DvmDex* pDvmDex, const char* descriptor, Object* classLoader)=0;
- DexClassLookup* (*dexCreateClassLookup)(DexFile* pDexFile)=0;
- void inject()
- {
- /*
- * C层hook
- */
- /*
- * JAVA层hook
- */
- //获取关键函数指针
- do
- {
- void* hdvm = dlopen("libdvm.so", RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL);
- if(!hdvm)
- {
- LOGI("libdvm not exist!");
- break;
- }
- dvmDexFileOpenPartial = (typeof(dvmDexFileOpenPartial))dlsym(hdvm, "dvmDexFileOpenPartial");
- if(!dvmDexFileOpenPartial)
- {
- dvmDexFileOpenPartial = (typeof(dvmDexFileOpenPartial))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z21dvmDexFileOpenPartialPKviPP6DvmDex");
- if(!dvmDexFileOpenPartial)
- LOGI("dvmDexFileOpenPartial not exist!");
- }
- dexSwapAndVerify = (typeof(dexSwapAndVerify))dlsym(hdvm, "dexSwapAndVerify");
- if(!dexSwapAndVerify)
- {
- dexSwapAndVerify = (typeof(dexSwapAndVerify))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z16dexSwapAndVerifyPhi");
- if(!dexSwapAndVerify)
- LOGI("dexSwapAndVerify not exist!");
- }
- dvmGetJNIEnvForThread = (typeof(dvmGetJNIEnvForThread))dlsym(hdvm, "dvmGetJNIEnvForThread");
- if(!dvmGetJNIEnvForThread)
- {
- dvmGetJNIEnvForThread = (typeof(dvmGetJNIEnvForThread))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z21dvmGetJNIEnvForThreadv");
- if(!dvmGetJNIEnvForThread)
- LOGI("dvmGetJNIEnvForThread not exist!");
- }
- dvmDecodeIndirectRef = (typeof(dvmDecodeIndirectRef))dlsym(hdvm, "dvmDecodeIndirectRef");
- if(!dvmDecodeIndirectRef)
- {
- dvmDecodeIndirectRef = (typeof(dvmDecodeIndirectRef))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z20dvmDecodeIndirectRefP7_JNIEnvP8_jobject");
- if(!dvmDecodeIndirectRef)
- {
- dvmDecodeIndirectRef_ = (typeof(dvmDecodeIndirectRef_))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z20dvmDecodeIndirectRefP6ThreadP8_jobject");
- if(!dvmDecodeIndirectRef_)
- LOGI("dvmDecodeIndirectRef_ not exist!");
- }
- }
- dvmDefineClass = (typeof(dvmDefineClass))dlsym(hdvm, "dvmDefineClass");
- if(!dvmDefineClass)
- {
- dvmDefineClass = (typeof(dvmDefineClass))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z14dvmDefineClassP6DvmDexPKcP6Object");
- if(!dvmDefineClass)
- LOGI("dvmDefineClass not exist!");
- }
- dexCreateClassLookup = (typeof(dexCreateClassLookup))dlsym(hdvm, "dexCreateClassLookup");
- if(!dexCreateClassLookup)
- {
- dexCreateClassLookup = (typeof(dexCreateClassLookup))dlsym(hdvm, "_Z20dexCreateClassLookupP7DexFile");
- if(!dexCreateClassLookup)
- LOGI("dexCreateClassLookup not exist!");
- }
- if(!dvmDexFileOpenPartial || !dexSwapAndVerify || !dvmGetJNIEnvForThread || !dvmDefineClass || !dexCreateClassLookup || (!dvmDecodeIndirectRef && !dvmDecodeIndirectRef_))
- break;
- LOGI("InitOk");
- //读取dex以便动态加载
- char* dexdata = 0;
- int dexlen;
- int dexfd = open(DEXNAME, O_RDONLY);
- if(dexfd == -1)
- {
- LOGI("can't open inject.dex!");
- break;
- }
- struct stat st = {0};
- fstat(dexfd , &st);
- if(st.st_size)
- {
- dexlen = st.st_size;
- dexdata = (char*)malloc(st.st_size);
- if(dexdata)
- read(dexfd, dexdata, st.st_size);
- }
- close(dexfd);
- if(!dexdata)
- {
- LOGI("read inject.dex fail!");
- break;
- }
- int result;
- DvmDex* dvmDex = 0;
- JNIEnv* env =0;
- jclass java_lang_Class =0;
- jmethodID java_lang_Class_forName =0;
- jclass java_lang_ClassLoader =0;
- jmethodID java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader =0;
- jobject jSystemClassLoader =0;
- Object* SystemClassLoader =0;
- jstring com_injectjava_str =0;
- jclass com_injectjava =0;
- jmethodID com_injectjava_initialize =0;
- DexFile* pDexFile = 0;
- int csize,i;
- dexSwapAndVerify(dexdata, dexlen);
- result = dvmDexFileOpenPartial(dexdata, dexlen, &dvmDex);
- if(result != 0)
- {
- LOGI("dvmDexFileOpenPartial fail!");
- goto END1;
- }
- env = dvmGetJNIEnvForThread();
- if(!env)
- {
- LOGI("dvmGetJNIEnvForThread fail!");
- goto END1;
- }
- java_lang_Class = env->FindClass("java/lang/Class");
- if(!java_lang_Class)
- {
- LOGI("java_lang_Class null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- java_lang_Class_forName = env->GetStaticMethodID(java_lang_Class, "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/ClassLoader;)Ljava/lang/Class;");
- if(!java_lang_Class_forName)
- {
- LOGI("java_lang_Class_forName null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- java_lang_ClassLoader = env->FindClass("java/lang/ClassLoader");
- if(!java_lang_ClassLoader)
- {
- LOGI("java_lang_ClassLoader null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader = env->GetStaticMethodID(java_lang_ClassLoader, "getSystemClassLoader", "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
- if(!java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader)
- {
- LOGI("java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- jSystemClassLoader = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(java_lang_ClassLoader, java_lang_ClassLoader_getSystemClassLoader, "()Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;");
- if(!jSystemClassLoader)
- {
- LOGI("jSystemClassLoader null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- LOGI("InitOk1");
- if(dvmDecodeIndirectRef)
- SystemClassLoader = dvmDecodeIndirectRef(env, jSystemClassLoader);
- else
- SystemClassLoader = dvmDecodeIndirectRef_(((JNIEnvExt*)env)->self, jSystemClassLoader);
- if(!SystemClassLoader)
- {
- LOGI("SystemClassLoader null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- pDexFile = dvmDex->pDexFile;
- pDexFile->pClassLookup = dexCreateClassLookup(dvmDex->pDexFile);
- csize = pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize;
- for(i=0;i<csize;i++)
- {
- pDexFile->pClassDefs[i].accessFlags | 0x10000;
- }
- dvmDefineClass(dvmDex, "Lcom/injectjava;", SystemClassLoader);
- com_injectjava_str = env->NewStringUTF("com.injectjava");
- if(!com_injectjava_str)
- {
- LOGI("com_injectjava null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- com_injectjava = (jclass)env->CallStaticObjectMethod(java_lang_Class, java_lang_Class_forName, com_injectjava_str, true, jSystemClassLoader);
- if(!com_injectjava)
- {
- LOGI("com_injectjava null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- com_injectjava_initialize = env->GetStaticMethodID(com_injectjava, "initialize", "()V");
- if(!com_injectjava_initialize)
- {
- LOGI("com_injectjava_initialize null!");
- goto END1;
- }
- env->CallStaticVoidMethod(com_injectjava, com_injectjava_initialize);
- LOGI("InitOk2");
- END1:
- free(dexdata);
- }
- while(false);
- }
06-03 15:47:34.984 16197-16197/com.example.hellojni E/INJECTJAVA: InitOk
06-03 15:47:35.074 16197-16197/com.example.hellojni E/INJECTJAVA: InitOk1
06-03 15:54:08.304 16197-16197/com.example.hellojni I/INJECTJAVA: injectava called |