>> help
## AndBug (C) 2011 Scott W. Dunlop <swdunlop@gmail.com>
The AndBug shell is a simple interactive console shell that reduces typing and overhead involved in setting up a
debugging session. Commands entered at the prompt will be evaluated using the current device and process as a
context. Where possible, AndBug uses readline; if your Python install lacks readline, this shell will be more
difficult to use due to the poor console I/O functionality in vanilla Python. (The "rlwrap" utility may help.)
AndBug is NOT intended for a piracy tool, or other illegal purposes, but as a tool for researchers and developers to
gain insight into the implementation of Android applications. Use of AndBug is at your own risk, like most open
source tools, and no guarantee of fitness or safety is made or implied.
## Commands:
-- break | b <class> [<method>] [show/lineNo]
set breakpoint
-- break-list
list active breakpoints/hooks
-- break-remove <eid/all>
remove hook/breakpoint
-- class-trace | ct | ctrace <class-path>
reports calls to dalvik methods associated with a class
-- classes [<partial class name>]
lists loaded classes. if no partial class name supplied, list all classes.
-- dump <class-path> [<method-query>]
dumps methods using original sources or apktool sources
-- exit
terminates andbug with prejudice
-- help [<command>]
information about how to use andbug
-- inspect <object-id>
inspect an object
-- method-trace | mt | mtrace <method>
reports calls to specific dalvik method
-- methods <class-path> [<method-query>]
lists the methods of a class
-- resume [<name>]
resumes threads in the process
-- shell
starts the andbug shell with the specified process
-- source <src-dir>
adds a source directory for finding files
-- statics <class-path>
lists the methods of a class
-- suspend [<name>]
suspends threads in the process
-- thread-trace | tt | ttrace <thread-name>
reports calls to specific thread in the process
-- threads [<name>] [verbose=<verbose level>]
lists threads in the process. verbosity: 0 (thread), (1 methods), (2 vars), (3 vars data)
## Examples:
-- threads
-- threads verbose=2
-- threads "Signal Catcher" verbose=3
-- classes
-- classes ioactive
-- methods com.ioactive.decoy.DecoyActivity onInit
-- method-trace com.ioactive.decoy.DecoyActivity