- 1821
- 精华
- 积分
- 3399
- 威望
- 点
- 宅币
- 个
- 贡献
- 次
- 宅之契约
- 份
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 在线时间
- 小时
本帖最后由 Ayala 于 2017-1-27 17:29 编辑
- .386
- .model flat,stdcall
- option casemap:none
- include windows.inc
- include gdi32.inc
- includelib gdi32.lib
- include user32.inc
- includelib user32.lib
- include kernel32.inc
- includelib kernel32.lib
- include msvcrt.inc
- includelib msvcrt.lib
- include macro\strings.mac
- include CmdBar.inc
- include _A0_.ASM
- include _S0_.ASM
- comment #
- ;#
- bClassName EQU $CTW0("CmdBarWndClass")
- bWndName EQU $CTW0("CmdBarWindow")
- bPluginname EQU $CTW0("CmdBar")
- bPluginversion EQU $CTW0("1.00.02")
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .code
- ;typedef int MENUFUNC(struct t_table *,wchar_t *,ulong,int);
- SubmenuFunc proc c pt,_name,index,mode
- mov eax,mode
- .if eax==MENU_VERIFY
- mov eax,MENU_NORMAL
- .elseif eax==MENU_EXECUTE
- invoke Resumeallthreads
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke MessageBoxW,[edx],$CTW0("so boring"),$CTW0("about:"),MB_OK
- invoke Suspendallthreads
- mov eax,MENU_REDRAW
- .else
- mov eax,MENU_REDRAW
- .endif
- ret
- SubmenuFunc endp
- WndProc proc hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
- .if Msg==5
- invoke SendMessageW,ghWnd,5,wParam,lParam
- .endif
- invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevWndProc,hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
- ret
- WndProc endp
- ComboBoxProc proc hWnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
- mov eax,Msg
- .if eax==100h ;WM_KEYDOWN
- mov eax,wParam
- .if eax==13 ;key_enter
- invoke GetWindowTextLengthW,ghComboBox
- .if eax>0
- invoke GetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,addr info,MAX_PATH-1
- invoke Execute,addr info,addr show
- .if !eax
- invoke addline,addr info
- .endif
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr show
- invoke SetFocus,ghComboBox
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- .elseif eax==17 ;VK_CONTROL
- xor eax,eax
- .elseif eax==27 ;VK_ESCAPE
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,offset gString
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
- xor eax,eax
- .else
- invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam
- .endif
- .elseif eax==101h ;WM_KEYUP
- .if (wParam !=13 && wParam != 17 && wParam != 27)
- invoke GetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,addr info,MAX_PATH-1
- invoke showinfo,addr info
- .endif
- invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam
- .elseif eax==102h && (wParam ==13 || wParam==27) ;WM_CHAR VK_ESCAPE
- xor eax,eax
- .else
- invoke CallWindowProcW,gPrevCBProc, hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam
- .endif
- ret
- ComboBoxProc endp
- bWndMov proc uses ebx
- lea ebx,lpRect
- assume ebx:ptr RECT
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
- mov eax,[ebx].right
- sub eax,[ebx].left
- mov ecx,[ebx].bottom
- sub ecx,45
- invoke MoveWindow,ghWnd,0,ecx,eax,25,TRUE
- invoke ShowWindow,ghWnd,5
- assume ebx:nothing
- ret
- bWndMov endp
- bWndMovi proc uses ebx
- lea ebx,lpRect
- assume ebx:ptr RECT
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
- mov eax,[ebx].right
- sub eax,450
- invoke MoveWindow,ghEdit,440,3,eax,19,TRUE
- invoke ShowWindow,ghEdit,5
- assume ebx:nothing
- ret
- bWndMovi endp
- bWndMovc proc uses ebx esi
- LOCAL lpRect1:RECT
- LOCAL lpRect2:RECT
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke GetWindowRect,[edx],addr lpRect1
- mov edx,hwclient
- invoke GetClientRect,[edx],addr lpRect2
- mov eax,[lpRect1].left
- mov [lpPoint].x,eax
- mov eax,[lpRect1].top
- mov [lpPoint].y,eax
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke ScreenToClient,[edx],addr lpPoint
- mov edx,[lpRect2].top
- cmp edx,[lpPoint].y
- setnz al
- movzx esi,al
- lea ebx,lpRect
- assume ebx:ptr RECT
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
- neg esi
- sbb esi,esi
- and esi,17h
- mov eax,[ebx].bottom
- sub eax,esi
- sub eax,[ebx].top
- sub eax,45
- mov ecx,[ebx].right
- sub ecx,[ebx].left
- mov edx,hwclient
- invoke MoveWindow,[edx],0,esi,ecx,eax,TRUE
- assume ebx:nothing
- ret
- bWndMovc endp
- bWndPaint proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd
- invoke bWndMov
- invoke bWndMovi
- invoke bWndMovc
- invoke BeginPaint,hwnd,addr Paint
- mov esi,eax
- invoke GetClientRect,hwnd,addr Rect
- invoke GetSysColor,15
- invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
- mov edi,eax
- invoke FillRect,esi,addr Rect,edi
- invoke DeleteObject,edi
- invoke EndPaint,hwnd,addr Paint
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke InvalidateRect,[edx],0,TRUE
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- bWndPaint endp
- bWndSize proc hwnd
- invoke bWndMovc
- invoke bWndMovi
- invoke bWndMov
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke InvalidateRect,[edx],0,TRUE
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- bWndSize endp
- bWndSetFocus proc hwnd
- invoke SetFocus,ghComboBox
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- bWndSetFocus endp
- bWndCreate proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd
- LOCAL lpBtnName[102]:WORD
- invoke GetClientRect,hwnd,addr Rect
- mov esi,1001
- mov ebx,1
- mov edi,5
- .repeat
- invoke wsprintfW,addr lpBtnName,$CTW0("M%d"),ebx
- mov edx,hollyinst
- invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("BUTTON"),addr lpBtnName,5001800Bh,edi,3,28,19,hwnd,esi,[edx],0
- mov ghBtn[ebx*4][-4],eax
- inc esi
- inc ebx
- lea edi,[edi][28]
- .until ebx==6
- mov esi,hollyinst
- invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("STATIC"),$CTW0("Command :"),05000000Bh,150,4,80,20,hwnd,1003,[esi],0
- invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("COMBOBOX"),offset gString,050A10E42h,230,1,200,200,hwnd,1001,[esi],0
- mov ghComboBox,eax
- invoke GetWindow,eax,5
- invoke SetWindowLongW,eax,-4,offset ComboBoxProc
- mov gPrevCBProc,eax
- mov eax,[Rect].right
- sub eax,50
- invoke CreateWindowExW,0,$CTW0("EDIT"),offset gString,050800804h,440,3,eax,19,hwnd,0,[esi],0
- mov ghEdit,eax
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- bWndCreate endp
- bWndDrawItem proc uses esi edi ebx hwnd,lParam
- LOCAL wString[102]:WORD
- mov esi,lParam
- mov eax,(DRAWITEMSTRUCT ptr [esi]).CtlID
- .if eax>=1001 && eax<=1005
- assume esi:ptr DRAWITEMSTRUCT
- mov edi,[esi].hdc
- invoke SetBkMode,edi,1
- invoke GetSysColor,15
- invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
- mov ebx,eax
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr Rect,addr [esi].rcItem,sizeof RECT
- invoke FillRect,edi,addr Rect,ebx
- invoke DeleteObject,ebx
- .if [esi].itemState & 1
- invoke GetSysColor,16
- invoke CreateSolidBrush,eax
- mov ebx,eax
- invoke FrameRect,edi,addr Rect,ebx
- invoke DeleteObject,ebx
- .endif
- invoke GetDlgItem,hwnd,[esi].CtlID
- lea ebx,wString
- invoke GetWindowTextW,eax,ebx,100
- invoke GetDlgItem,hwnd,[esi].CtlID
- .if (word ptr [wString]!=2f30h) ;"/0"
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr Rect,addr [esi].rcItem,sizeof RECT
- .if [esi].itemState & 1
- invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,1,1
- .endif
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr dRect,addr Rect,sizeof RECT
- invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,411h
- mov eax,dRect.right
- sub eax,dRect.left
- sub eax,Rect.right
- add eax,Rect.left
- cdq
- sub eax,edx
- shr eax,1
- mov ecx,eax
- mov eax,dRect.bottom
- sub eax,dRect.top
- sub eax,Rect.bottom
- add eax,Rect.top
- cdq
- sub eax,edx
- shr eax,1
- mov edx,eax
- invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,ecx,edx
- invoke SetBkMode,edi,1
- .if [esi].itemState & 4
- invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,1,1
- invoke GetSysColor,20
- invoke SetTextColor,edi,eax
- invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,11h
- invoke OffsetRect,addr Rect,-1,-1
- invoke GetSysColor,16
- invoke SetTextColor,edi,eax
- .else
- mov eax,1001
- add eax,giBtn
- .if [esi].CtlID==eax
- invoke SetTextColor,edi,0ffh
- .else
- invoke SetTextColor,edi,0
- .endif
- invoke GetSysColor,15
- invoke SetBkColor,edi,eax
- .endif
- invoke DrawTextW,edi,ebx,-1,addr Rect,11h
- .endif
- assume esi:nothing
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- inc eax
- ret
- bWndDrawItem endp
- bWndCommand proc wParam
- mov eax,wParam
- .if eax>=1001 && eax<=1005
- sub eax,1001
- .if [eax*4][gDumpaddr] && eax!=giBtn
- mov giBtn,eax
- mov eax,gDumpaddr[eax*4]
- invoke Setcpu,0,0,eax,-1,0,16
- invoke GetClientRect,ghWnd,addr Rect
- invoke InvalidateRect,ghWnd,0,1
- .endif
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- bWndCommand endp
- bWndProc proc hwnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
- mov eax,Msg
- .if eax==15 ;WM_PAINT
- invoke bWndPaint,hwnd
- .elseif eax==5 ;WM_SIZE
- invoke bWndSize,hwnd
- .elseif eax==7 ;WM_SETFOCUS
- invoke bWndSetFocus,hwnd
- .elseif eax==1 ;WM_CREATE
- invoke bWndCreate,hwnd
- .elseif eax==43 ;WM_DRAWITEM
- invoke bWndDrawItem,hwnd,lParam
- .elseif eax==273;WM_COMMAND
- invoke bWndCommand,wParam
- .else
- invoke DefWindowProcW,hwnd,Msg,wParam,lParam
- .endif
- ret
- bWndProc endp
- align 4
- ODBG2_Plugininit proc c uses ebx
- lea ebx,lpWNDCLASSEXW
- assume ebx:ptr WNDCLASSEX
- mov [ebx].cbSize,sizeof WNDCLASSEX
- mov [ebx].style,11
- mov [ebx].lpfnWndProc,offset bWndProc
- mov [ebx].cbClsExtra,0
- mov [ebx].cbWndExtra,0
- mov eax,hollyinst
- mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
- mov [ebx].hInstance,eax
- mov [ebx].hIcon,0
- invoke LoadCursorW,eax,7F00h
- mov [ebx].hCursor,eax
- mov [ebx].hbrBackground,15
- mov [ebx].lpszMenuName,0
- mov [ebx].lpszClassName,bClassName
- mov [ebx].hIconSm,0
- assume ebx:nothing
- invoke RegisterClassExW,ebx
- lea ebx,lpRect
- assume ebx:ptr RECT
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke GetClientRect,[edx],ebx
- mov eax,[ebx].bottom
- sub eax,45
- mov edx,hwollymain
- mov ecx,hollyinst
- invoke CreateWindowExW,0,\
- bClassName,\
- bWndName,\
- 50000000h,\;WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE
- 0,\
- eax,\
- [ebx].right,\
- 25,\
- [edx],\
- 0,\
- [ecx],\
- 0
- mov ghWnd,eax
- assume ebx:nothing
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke SetWindowLongW,[edx],-4,offset WndProc
- mov gPrevWndProc,eax
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Plugininit endp
- ;int __cdecl ODBG2_Plugindump(t_dump *pd,
- ; wchar_t *s,uchar *mask,int n,int *select,ulong addr,int column)
- align 4
- ODBG2_Plugindump proc c uses esi edi ebx pd,s,_mask,n,select,_addr,column
- .data
- gpT_dump dd 0
- gSelstart dd 5 dup(0)
- gSelend dd 5 dup(0)
- .code
- .if column==DF_FILLCACHE
- mov esi,pd
- mov ebx,_addr
- assume esi:ptr t_dump
- .if esi && ebx
- mov eax,[esi].menutype
- and eax,DMT_CPUMASK
- .if eax==DMT_CPUDUMP
- mov eax,giBtn
- .if eax || eax!= gDumpaddr[0*4]
- invoke wsprintfW,addr info,$CTW0("g_nCurDumpAddress: %d addr: %0.8x"),eax,[esi].selstart
- ;varapi (void) Tempinfo(wchar_t *format,...);
- invoke Tempinfo,addr info
- mov eax,giBtn
- mov edx,[esi].selend
- .if gDumpaddr[eax*4]!=edx
- mov gDumpaddr[eax*4],ebx
- mov edx,[esi].selstart
- mov gSelstart[eax*4],edx
- mov edx,[esi].selend
- mov gSelend[eax*4],edx
- .endif
- mov ecx,eax
- mov ebx,gSelstart[ecx*4]
- mov edi,gSelend[ecx*4]
- mov eax,edi
- sub eax,ebx
- cdq
- xor eax,edx
- sub eax,edx
- inc eax
- inc ecx
- mov gpT_dump,esi
- CTW "MEM: %d, ",4,fmt
- CTW "Start: 0x%08X, "
- CTW "End: 0x%08X, "
- CTW0 "Block: 0x%X\{%d\}"
- invoke wsprintfW,addr info,offset fmt,\
- ecx,ebx,edi,eax,eax
- invoke Tempinfo,addr info
- mov eax,giBtn
- mov edx,gSelstart[eax*4]
- mov [esi].sel0,edx
- mov edx,gSelend[eax*4]
- inc edx
- mov [esi].sel1,edx
- .else
- mov gDumpaddr[0*4],ebx
- mov gDumpaddr[1*4],ebx
- mov gDumpaddr[2*4],ebx
- mov gDumpaddr[3*4],ebx
- mov gDumpaddr[4*4],ebx
- mov gpT_dump,esi
- .endif
- .endif
- .endif
- assume esi:nothing
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Plugindump endp
- ODBG2_Pluginmenu proc c _type
- .data
- submenu t_menu <$CTW0("about:"),$CTW0("about"),0,offset SubmenuFunc,0,<0>>
- t_menu <0,0,0,0,0,<0>>
- gmenu t_menu <$CTW0("CmdBar"),$CTW0("CmdBar"),0,0,offset submenu,<0>>
- t_menu <0,0,0,0,0,<0>>
- .code
- invoke crt_wcscmp,_type,PWM_MAIN
- .if !eax
- mov eax,offset gmenu
- .else
- xor eax,eax
- .endif
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginmenu endp
- ODBG2_Pluginquery proc c ollydbgversion,features,pluginname,pluginversion
- .if ollydbgversion>=201
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,pluginname,bPluginname,32
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,pluginversion,bPluginversion,32
- mov eax,2010001h
- .else
- xor eax,eax
- .endif
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginquery endp
- ODBG2_Pluginreset proc
- and gDumpaddr[0],0
- and gDumpaddr[4],0
- and gDumpaddr[8],0
- and gDumpaddr[0ch],0
- and gDumpaddr[10h],0
- and giBtn,0
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginreset endp
- ODBG2_Pluginnotify proc c action,data,p1,p2
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginnotify endp
- ODBG2_Pluginclose proc c
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginclose endp
- ODBG2_Pluginanalyse proc c t_module,pmod
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- ODBG2_Pluginanalyse endp
- ODBG2_Plugindestroy proc c
- mov edx,hollyinst
- invoke UnregisterClassW,bClassName,[edx]
- ret
- ODBG2_Plugindestroy endp
- dllmain proc uses edi esi ebx hInst:DWORD, reason:DWORD, reserved1:DWORD
- invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
- mov gExeHande,eax
- invoke InitImportTable
- mov eax,1
- ret
- dllmain endp
- end dllmain
- .data
- gcmdlist label t_command ;
- t_command <$CTW0("D"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump at Address")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DUMP"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump at Address")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DA"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_DISASM, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump as Disassembly")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DB"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_HEXA16, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in Hex byte format")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DC"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_ASC64, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in Ascii format")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DD"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_ADDR, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in Stack format")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DU"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_UNI64, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in Unicode format")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DW"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_IHEX16, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in Hex word format")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DFF"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_FLOAT32, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in 32-bit floats")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DFD"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_FLOAT64, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in 64-bit floats")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DFT"), $CTW0("a"), DUMP_FLOAT80, offset subDumpcmd, $CTW0("Dump in 80-bit floats")>
- t_command <$CTW0("DT"), $CTW0("AS"),DUMP_DECODE, offset subDumpStruc,$CTW0("Dump as structure")>
- t_command <$CTW0("ORIG"), $CTW0(""), 0, offset subDorigin, $CTW0("Disassemble at EIP")>
- t_command <$CTW0("*"), $CTW0(""), 0, offset subDorigin, $CTW0("Disassemble at EIP")>
- t_command <$CTW0("STK"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subStakcmd, $CTW0("Go to address in stack")>
- t_command <$CTW0("AT"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subDasmcmd, $CTW0("Disassemble at address")>
- t_command <$CTW0("FOLLOW"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subDasmcmd, $CTW0("Disassemble at address")>
- t_command <$CTW0("BP"), $CTW0("AS"),BP_MANUAL, offset subBreakpt, $CTW0("int3 [,condition] breakpoint")>
- t_command <$CTW0("BC"), $CTW0("A"), 0, offset subDelbpt, $CTW0("Delete int3 breakpoint")>
- t_command <$CTW0("MR"), $CTW0("Av"),BP_MR, offset subMembkpt, $CTW0("Memory breakpt on access")>
- t_command <$CTW0("MW"), $CTW0("Av"),BP_MW, offset subMembkpt, $CTW0("Memory breakpt on write")>
- t_command <$CTW0("ME"), $CTW0("Av"),BP_ME, offset subMembkpt, $CTW0("Memory breakpt on execute")>
- t_command <$CTW0("MRWE"), $CTW0("Av"),BP_MRWE, offset subMembkpt, $CTW0("Memory breakpt on R.W.E")>
- t_command <$CTW0("MD"), $CTW0("Av"),0, offset subMembkpt, $CTW0("Remove memory breakpoint")>
- t_command <$CTW0("HR"), $CTW0("A"), BP_HR, offset subHwbreak, $CTW0("HW break on access")>
- t_command <$CTW0("HW"), $CTW0("A"), BP_HW, offset subHwbreak, $CTW0("HW break on write")>
- t_command <$CTW0("HE"), $CTW0("A"), BP_HE, offset subHwbreak, $CTW0("HW break on execute")>
- t_command <$CTW0("HD"), $CTW0("a"), 0, offset subHwbreak, $CTW0("Remove HW breakpoint")>
- t_command <$CTW0("OPEN"), $CTW0("S"), 0, offset subOpenexe, $CTW0("Open a execute file")>
- t_command <$CTW0("ATT"), $CTW0("L"), 0, offset subAttach, $CTW0("Attach a process")>
- t_command <$CTW0("ATTACH"), $CTW0("L"), 0, offset subAttach, $CTW0("Attach a process")>
- t_command <$CTW0("?"), $CTW0("V"), 0, offset subExpress, $CTW0("Estimate expression")>
- t_command <$CTW0("CALC"), $CTW0("V"), 0, offset subExpress, $CTW0("Estimate expression")>
- t_command <$CTW0("W"), $CTW0("S"), 0, offset subWatch, $CTW0("Add watch expression")>
- t_command <$CTW0("WATCH"), $CTW0("S"), 0, offset subWatch, $CTW0("Add watch expression")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EB"), $CTW0("AL"),1, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit byte")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EW"), $CTW0("AL"),2, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit word")>
- t_command <$CTW0("ED"), $CTW0("AL"),4, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit dword")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EQ"), $CTW0("AL"),8, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit qword")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EFF"), $CTW0("AL"),1004h, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit float")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EFD"), $CTW0("AL"),1008h, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit double")>
- t_command <$CTW0("EFT"), $CTW0("AL"),100Ah, offset subMemEdit, $CTW0("memory edit long double")>
- t_command <$CTW0("R"), $CTW0("RL"),0, offset subRegEdit, $CTW0("reg edit ")>
- gcmdlistEnd t_command <0,0,0,0,0>
- .data?
- g_g label byte
- gaddress dd ? ;Operands A/a (address expression)
- gn dd ? ;Operands N/n (count)
- glval t_result <> ;Operand L (lvalue address)
- gval t_result <> ;Operands V/v (expression)
- grval t_result <> ;Operands R (reg expression)
- gstr dw MAX_PATH dup(?) ;Operand S (any string)
- gcmd dw MAX_PATH dup(?) ;Command (uppercase)
- g_glength equ $ - offset g_g
- gaddr EQU gaddress
- comment #
- static wchar_t cmd[TEXTLEN]; // Command (uppercase)
- static ulong address; // Operands A/a (address expression)
- static t_result lvalue; // Operand L (lvalue address)
- static t_result value; // Operands V/v (expression)
- static wchar_t string[TEXTLEN]; // Operand S (any string)
- static int count; // Operands N/n (count)
- ;#
- .code
- subMemEdit proc answer,parm
- mov eax,parm
- .if eax == 1008h
- fld glval.f
- fstp qword ptr glval._data
- .elseif eax == 1004h
- fld glval.f
- fstp dword ptr glval._data
- .endif
- and eax,0Fh
- invoke Writememory,addr glval._data,gaddr,eax,MM_SILENT or MM_REMOVEINT3 or MM_ADJUSTINT3
- .if !eax
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to modify memory")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- xor eax,eax
- done:
- ret
- subMemEdit endp
- subRegEdit proc uses esi answer,parm
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Findthread,eax
- mov esi,eax
- assume esi:ptr t_thread
- .if !esi || ![esi].regvalid
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to modify register")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- .if !([esi].reg.status & RV_USERMOD)
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr [esi].oldreg,addr [esi].reg,sizeof t_reg
- or [esi].reg.status,RV_USERMOD
- .endif
- mov ecx,grval.lvaladdr
- mov eax,grval.lvaltype
- .if eax == EXPR_BYTE
- mov al,glval._data
- .if ecx>=4
- sub ecx,4
- shl ecx,2
- inc ecx
- .else
- shl ecx,2
- .endif
- mov byte ptr [esi].reg.r[ecx],al
- .elseif eax == EXPR_WORD
- mov ax,glval.w
- mov word ptr [esi].reg.r[ecx*4],ax
- .elseif eax == EXPR_DWORD
- .if glval.datatype==EXPR_DWORD
- mov eax,glval.u
- .else
- push eax
- fld glval.f
- fstp dword ptr [esp]
- pop eax
- .endif
- mov [esi].reg.r[ecx*4],eax
- .elseif eax == EXPR_FLOAT10
- imul ecx,ecx,sizeof tbyte
- fld glval.f
- fstp [esi].reg.f[ecx]
- .else
- .endif
- or [esi].reg.status,RV_MODIFIED
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- xor eax,eax
- assume esi:nothing
- done:
- ret
- subRegEdit endp
- subDumpStruc proc uses esi answer,parm
- LOCAL _count:DWORD
- .if word ptr gstr[0*2]==0
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("..........")
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke Getstructureitemcount,offset gstr,addr _count
- .if !eax
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Undefined Structure: %s"),offset gstr
- .endif
- invoke wsprintfW,addr _title,$CTW0("Structure %s at "),offset gstr
- mov ecx,TEXTLEN
- sub ecx,eax
- lea eax,_title[eax*2]
- invoke Decodeaddress,gaddr,0,20400h,eax,ecx,0
- invoke Createdumpwindow,addr _title,gaddr,_count,0,parm,gaddr,gaddr,offset gstr
- done:
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subDumpStruc endp
- subWatch proc uses esi answer,parm
- LOCAL w:t_watch
- mov esi,watch
- assume esi:ptr t_table
- mov ecx,[esi].sorted.n
- .if ecx<[esi].sorted.nmax && word ptr [gstr]!=0
- dec ecx
- mov w._index,ecx
- mov w._size,1
- mov w._type,0
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,addr w._expr,offset gstr,TEXTLEN
- invoke Addsorteddata,addr [esi].sorted,addr w
- mov eax,[esi].sorted.selected
- lea edx,[eax+1]
- invoke Maketableareavisible,esi,-1,0,eax,0,edx
- mov edx,hwollymain
- invoke SendMessageW,[edx],WM_COMMAND,8A0h,0
- .endif
- assume esi:nothing
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subWatch endp
- subExpress proc answer,parm
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,addr gval.value
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subExpress endp
- subOpenexe proc answer,parm
- .if word ptr gstr!=0
- invoke OpenExecfile,offset gstr,0,0
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subOpenexe endp
- subAttach proc answer,parm
- .if glval.datatype ==EXPR_DWORD
- invoke AttachProcess,glval.l
- invoke Setstatus,STAT_ATTACHING
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subAttach endp
- subHwbreak proc uses ebx esi edi answer,parm
- mov ebx,bphard
- assume ebx:ptr t_table
- or index,-1
- .if [ebx].sorted.n>0
- mov esi,[ebx].sorted.data
- assume esi:ptr t_bphard
- xor eax,eax
- .repeat
- mov edx,[esi]._addr
- mov ecx,[esi].index
- .if ecx!=-1 && edx==gaddr
- mov index,ecx
- .break
- .endif
- add esi,[ebx].sorted.itemsize
- inc eax
- .until eax>=[ebx].sorted.n
- assume esi:nothing
- .endif
- .if parm==0
- .if index!=-1
- invoke Removehardbreakpoint,index
- .endif
- jmp done
- .endif
- .if index!=-1
- mov eax,(t_bphard ptr [esi])._type
- .if eax==parm
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("HW breakpoint already set slot %d"),index
- jmp done
- .endif
- .endif
- invoke Findfreehardbreakslot,parm
- mov index,eax
- .if eax < 0
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("No enough slot for HW breakpoint")
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke Sethardbreakpoint,index,1,parm,0,gaddr,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .if eax
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Slot %d Unable to set HW breakpoint"),index
- jmp done
- .endif
- assume ebx:nothing
- done:
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subHwbreak endp
- subMembkpt proc answer,parm
- .if !parm
- invoke Enablemembreakpoint,gaddr,FALSE
- xor eax,eax
- jmp done
- .endif
- .if gval.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
- mov eax,1 ;none
- .else
- .if gval.datatype!=EXPR_DWORD
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Integer expression expected")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,gval.u
- .if eax
- .if eax<=10000h
- nop ;value
- .elseif eax>gaddr
- sub eax,gaddr ;address
- .else
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Invalid memory range %d"),eax
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- .endif
- .endif
- invoke Setmembreakpoint,gaddr,eax,parm,0,0,0,0,0
- .if eax
- invoke wsprintfW,answer,$CTW0("Unable to set breakpoint %08X"),gaddr
- mov eax,-1
- .else
- invoke Enablemembreakpoint,gaddr,TRUE
- xor eax,eax
- .endif
- done:
- ret
- subMembkpt endp
- subBreakpt proc answer,parm
- mov ecx,offset gstr
- .if word ptr [ecx]!=0
- lea edx,cond
- .repeat
- mov ax,[ecx]
- mov [edx],ax
- add ecx,2
- add edx,2
- .until !ax
- lea ecx,cond
- mov eax,parm
- .else
- mov eax,parm
- xor ecx,ecx
- or eax,BP_BREAK
- .endif
- invoke Setint3breakpoint,gaddress,eax,0,0,0,0,ecx,offset gString,offset gstr
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subBreakpt endp
- subDelbpt proc answer,parm
- invoke Removeint3breakpoint,gaddr,BP_MANUAL
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subDelbpt endp
- subDumpcmd proc answer,parm
- invoke Setcpu,0,0,gaddress,0,0,CPU_DUMPHIST or CPU_DUMPFIRST or CPU_DUMPFOCUS
- mov ecx,parm
- .if ecx
- invoke Getcpudumpdump
- invoke Setdumptype,eax,ecx
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subDumpcmd endp
- subStakcmd proc answer,parm
- invoke Setcpu,0,0,0,0,gaddress,CPU_DUMPHIST or CPU_DUMPFIRST or CPU_DUMPFOCUS
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subStakcmd endp
- subDorigin proc answer,parm
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Findthread,eax
- .if eax
- assume eax:ptr t_thread
- invoke Setcpu,0,[eax].context._Eip,0,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER
- invoke Broadcast,484h,0,0
- assume eax:nothing
- .endif
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subDorigin endp
- subDasmcmd proc answer,parm
- invoke Setcpu,0,gaddress,0,0,0,CPU_ASMHIST or CPU_ASMCENTER
- xor eax,eax
- ret
- subDasmcmd endp
- .data
- gnhist dd 0
- .data?
- ghistory dw MAX_HIST*MAX_PATH dup(?)
- ghistoryEnd label word
- .code
- addline proc uses esi edi ebx cmd
- mov esi,cmd
- .if !esi
- jmp done
- .endif
- .if word ptr [esi]==0
- mov gnhist,0
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
- .else
- ;Remove identical strings from the history.
- mov eax,gnhist
- imul eax,eax,MAX_PATH*2
- mov edi,offset ghistory
- add edi,eax
- mov ebx,edi
- .repeat
- sub edi,MAX_PATH*2
- invoke lstrcmpiW,edi,esi
- .if !eax
- mov eax,edi
- add eax,MAX_PATH*2
- mov ecx,ebx
- sub ecx,eax
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,edi,eax,ecx
- sub ebx,MAX_PATH*2
- dec gnhist
- .endif
- .until edi<= offset ghistory
- ;Insert new string.
- .if gnhist>=MAX_HIST
- mov gnhist,MAX_HIST - 1
- .endif
- mov edi,offset ghistory
- mov ecx,gnhist
- .if ecx
- imul ecx,ecx,MAX_PATH*2
- mov eax,edi
- add eax,MAX_PATH*2
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,eax,edi,ecx
- .endif
- invoke RtlMoveMemory,edi,esi,MAX_PATH*2
- inc gnhist
- .endif
- ;Copy history to combobox.
- invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0
- xor ebx,ebx
- .repeat
- invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_ADDSTRING,0,edi
- inc ebx
- add edi,MAX_PATH*2
- .until ebx>=gnhist
- .if gnhist > 0
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghComboBox,esi
- invoke SendMessageW,ghComboBox,CB_SETEDITSEL,0,MAX_PATH
- .endif
- done:
- ret
- addline endp
- showinfo proc uses esi edi ebx cmd
- invoke crt_malloc,4
- mov p,eax
- mov esi,cmd
- .if word ptr [esi]==0
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
- jmp done
- .endif
- xor ebx,ebx
- lea ecx,lpcmd
- .repeat
- mov ax,[esi][ebx*2]
- mov [ecx][ebx*2],ax
- inc ebx
- .until !ax
- dec ebx
- mov len,ebx
- mov ax,[ecx]
- .if ax>="0" && ax<="9"
- mov eax,ecx
- .else
- invoke crt_wcschr,ecx,20h; " "
- .endif
- xor ebx,ebx
- .if eax
- mov word ptr [eax],0
- mov edi,offset gcmdlist
- assume edi:ptr t_command
- .repeat
- invoke lstrcmpiW,addr lpcmd,[edi].cmd
- .if !eax
- lea eax,[ebx*4+4]
- invoke crt_realloc,p,eax
- mov p,eax
- mov [eax][ebx*4],edi
- inc ebx
- .endif
- add edi,sizeof t_command
- .until edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
- .else
- mov edi,offset gcmdlist
- .repeat
- invoke crt__wcsnicmp,esi,[edi].cmd,len
- .if !eax
- lea eax,[ebx*4+4]
- invoke crt_realloc,p,eax
- mov p,eax
- mov [eax][ebx*4],edi
- inc ebx
- .endif
- add edi,sizeof t_command
- .until edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
- assume edi:nothing
- .endif
- .if ebx>1
- invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr lpString,MAX_PATH*2
- lea edi,lpString
- mov esi,p
- xor ecx,ecx
- .repeat
- mov eax,[esi][ecx*4]
- assume eax:ptr t_command
- mov eax,[eax].cmd
- .repeat
- mov dx,word ptr [eax]
- mov [edi],dx
- add eax,2
- add edi,2
- .until dx==0
- mov word ptr [edi-2],20h
- assume eax:nothing
- inc ecx
- mov eax,edi
- lea edx,lpString
- sub eax,edx
- .until ecx>=ebx || eax>=200h
- mov word ptr [edi],0
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
- .elseif ebx==1
- lea edi,lpcmd
- invoke RtlZeroMemory,edi,MAX_PATH*2
- mov esi,p
- mov esi,[esi][0*4]
- assume esi:ptr t_command
- xor ebx,ebx
- .while 1
- mov ecx,[esi].args
- mov ax,[ecx][ebx*2]
- .break .if !ax
- .if (word ptr lpcmd[0]!=0)
- mov word ptr [edi],","
- add edi,2
- .endif
- .if ax=="A"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" address")
- .elseif ax=="a"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" [address]")
- .elseif ax=="S"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" string")
- .elseif ax=="V"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" expression")
- .elseif ax=="v"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" [expression]")
- .elseif ax=="L"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" expression")
- .elseif ax=="R"
- mov ecx,$CTW0(" Reg")
- .else
- mov ecx,offset gString
- .endif
- .while 1
- mov ax,[ecx]
- .break .if !ax
- mov [edi],ax
- add ecx,2
- add edi,2
- .endw
- inc ebx
- .endw
- invoke wsprintfW,addr lpString,$TW0(" %s%s -- %s"),[esi].cmd,addr lpcmd,[esi].help
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
- assume esi:nothing
- .else
- .if len
- invoke wsprintfW,addr lpString,$CTW0("No valid command begin with \= %s \=."),esi
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,addr lpString
- .else
- invoke SetWindowTextW,ghEdit,offset gString
- .endif
- .endif
- done:
- invoke crt_free,p
- ret
- showinfo endp
- Execute proc uses esi edi ebx cmd,info
- LOCAL result:t_result
- ;check args
- mov esi,cmd
- .if !esi || word ptr [esi] ==0 || info ==NULL
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset g_g,g_glength
- ;skip spaces
- .while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h ;" " & "\t"
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endw
- ;
- mov edi,offset gcmd
- xor ebx,ebx
- .repeat
- mov ax,[esi]
- invoke crt_iswalpha,eax
- .if eax
- mov ax,[esi]
- invoke crt_towupper,eax
- mov [edi][ebx*2],ax
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .else
- mov ax,word ptr [esi]
- .if ax=="?" || ax=="*" || ax==":"
- mov [edi],ax
- mov ebx,1
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .break
- .endif
- .break
- .endif
- inc ebx
- .until ebx>=MAX_HIST
- mov word ptr [edi][ebx*2],0
- ;search
- xor ebx,ebx
- mov edi,offset gcmdlist
- assume edi:ptr t_command
- .repeat
- invoke lstrcmpiW,offset gcmd,[edi].cmd
- .break .if !eax
- add edi,sizeof t_command
- inc ebx
- .until edi >=offset gcmdlistEnd
- ;fail done
- .if edi>=offset gcmdlistEnd
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Unrecognized command: %s"),offset gcmd
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- ;Now get operands esi
- xor ebx,ebx
- .while 1
- ;skip spaces
- .while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h ;" " & "\t"
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endw
- mov eax,[edi].args
- mov ax,[eax][ebx*2]
- inc ebx
- .break .if !ax
- .if ax=="a"
- mov dx,[esi]
- .if dx=="," || dx=="=" ||dx==";" || !dx
- mov gaddress,0
- .if dx
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endif
- .else
- jmp @F
- .endif
- .elseif ax=="A"
- @@:
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Expression,addr result,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
- .if eax<0
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Invalid expression")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov len,eax
- .if result.datatype!=EXPR_DWORD
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Integer expression expected")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke Findmemory,result.u
- .if !eax
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Address 0x%08X points to nowhere"),result.u
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,result.u
- mov gaddress,eax
- mov eax,len
- add eax,eax
- add esi,eax
- .elseif ax=="L"
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Expression,offset glval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
- mov len,eax
- .if eax < 0 || glval.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
- invoke wsprintfW,info,addr glval.value
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,len
- shl eax,1
- add esi,eax
- .elseif ax=="v"
- mov dx,[esi]
- .if dx=="," || dx=="=" ||dx==";" || !dx
- mov result.datatype,EXPR_INVALID
- mov result.u,0
- .if dx
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endif
- .else
- jmp @F
- .endif
- .elseif ax=="V"
- @@:
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Expression,offset gval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
- mov len,eax
- .if eax < 0 || result.datatype==EXPR_INVALID
- invoke wsprintfW,info,addr gval.value
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,len
- shl eax,1
- add esi,eax
- .elseif ax=="S"
- mov ecx,offset gstr
- .while 1
- mov dx,[esi]
- mov [ecx],dx
- .break .if !dx
- add ecx,2
- add esi,2
- .endw
- .elseif ax=="R"
- invoke Getcputhreadid
- invoke Expression,offset grval,esi,0,0,0,eax,0,0,0
- mov len,eax
- .if eax < 0 || !(grval.lvaltype & EXPR_REG)
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("undefined register")
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,len
- shl eax,1
- add esi,eax
- .else
- and eax,0FFFFh
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Internal error: undefined operand type %c"),eax
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- mov eax,[edi].args
- mov ax,[eax][ebx*2]
- .if ax
- .while word ptr [esi]==20h || word ptr [esi]==9h ;" " & "\t"
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endw
- .if word ptr [esi]=="," || word ptr [esi]=="="
- lea esi,[esi][sizeof word]
- .endif
- .endif
- .endw
- .if word ptr [esi]!=0 && word ptr [esi]!=";"
- invoke wsprintfW,info,$CTW0("Extra characters on line: %.64s"),esi
- mov eax,-1
- jmp done
- .endif
- invoke wsprintfW,info,offset gString
- invoke [edi].func,info,[edi].parm
- assume edi:nothing
- done:
- ret
- Execute endp
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