- 1821
- 精华
- 积分
- 3399
- 威望
- 点
- 宅币
- 个
- 贡献
- 次
- 宅之契约
- 份
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- 在线时间
- 小时
本帖最后由 Ayala 于 2017-3-22 10:41 编辑
- #define __STDC__ 1
- #include "ntddk.h"
- #include "ntimage.h"
- /***********************************************************************/
- /* shell code start */
- /* linker command must append /MERGE:S_CODE=S_DATA /SECTION:S_DATA,RWE */
- /***********************************************************************/
- void GetRing3Base_m();
- /*shellcode Global DATA*/
- #pragma data_seg("S_DATA")
- __int64 shell_data_sign_S=0;//sign data
- __int64 k_Base=0;
- __int64 n_Base=0;
- __int64 shell_data_sign_E=0; //sign data
- #pragma code_seg("S_CODE")
- /*shlleocde entry*/
- int shell_start(__int64* pf,char** pfn,__int64 pfmax) // sign code start
- {
- __int64 i;
- GetRing3Base_m();
- for (i=0;i<pfmax;i++)
- {
- GetProcAddress_m(n_Base,pfn[i],&pf[i]);
- }
- return i;
- }
- int strlen_m(char* s)
- {
- int i=0;
- for(;s[i++];);
- return i;
- }
- int strcmp_m(char* s1,char* s2)
- {
- int t,ta,tb;
- t|=-1;
- ta=strlen_m(s1);
- tb=strlen_m(s2);
- if (ta==tb)
- {
- t=ta;
- do
- {
- --t;
- }while (t>=0 && s1[t]==s2[t]);
- t++;
- }
- return t;
- }
- /*get kernel32 and ntdll base*/
- void GetRing3Base_m()
- {
- __int64 p;
- p=*(__int64*)(*(__int64*)(*(__int64 *)(__readgsqword(0x30)+0x60)+0x18)+0x30);
- n_Base=*(__int64*)(p+0x10);
- k_Base=*(__int64*)(*(__int64*)(*(__int64*)p)+0x10);
- }
- int GetProcAddress_m(__int64 base,char* FuncName,__int64* FuncAddr)
- {
- __int64 addr=0;
- __int32* AddressOfNames;
- __int32* AddressOfFunctions;
- __int16* AddressOfNameOrdinals;
- IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64* OptionalHeader;
- int i,n,t;
- char* Dst;
- char* Src;
- if (!base || !FuncName) goto done;
- DOS_HEADER=(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)(__int64)base;
- if (DOS_HEADER->e_magic!='ZM') goto done;
- NT_HEADER = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)((__int64)DOS_HEADER +(__int64)DOS_HEADER->e_lfanew);
- if (NT_HEADER->Signature!='EP') goto done;
- OptionalHeader=&NT_HEADER->OptionalHeader;
- if (OptionalHeader->Magic!=0x20B) goto done;//pe 64
- (__int64)DOS_HEADER + \
- (__int64)(OptionalHeader->DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].VirtualAddress)\
- );
- t=Export->NumberOfNames;
- AddressOfNameOrdinals =(__int16*)((__int64)DOS_HEADER + (__int64)Export->AddressOfNameOrdinals);
- AddressOfNames =(__int32*)((__int64)DOS_HEADER + (__int64)Export->AddressOfNames);
- AddressOfFunctions =(__int32*)((__int64)DOS_HEADER + (__int64)Export->AddressOfFunctions);
- Src=FuncName;
- for (i=0;i<t;i++)
- {
- Dst=(char*)((__int64)DOS_HEADER + AddressOfNames[i]);
- if (Dst[0]==Src[0]&& strcmp_m(Src,Dst)==0)
- {
- n=AddressOfNameOrdinals[i];
- addr=(__int64)DOS_HEADER+AddressOfFunctions[n];
- goto done;
- }
- }
- done:
- *FuncAddr=addr;
- return (addr?1:0);
- }
- #pragma code_seg()
- #pragma data_seg()
- #include "..\beaengine\headers\BeaEngine.h"
- struct FILE* __cdecl fopen();
- main()
- {
- DISASM diasm={0};
- struct FILE* file=fopen("shellcode.h","wt+");
- __int64 i,j,k;
- printf("shellcode start %llx \nend %llx \ndata start %llx \nlength = %d\n",\
- &shell_start,\
- &shell_data_sign_S,\
- &shell_data_sign_E,\
- (__int64)&shell_data_sign_S-(__int64)&shell_start);
- fprintf(file,"unsigned char shellcode[] = {\n");
- for (diasm.Archi=64,k=(__int64)&shell_start;k < (__int64)&shell_data_sign_S;k+=j)
- {
- diasm.EIP=k;
- j=Disasm(&diasm);
- fprintf(file,"\t\t");
- for (i=0;i<j;i++) fprintf(file,"0x%.2X,",*(unsigned char*)(k+i));
- fprintf(file,"% *s\t// %s\n",max(50-j*5,0),"",&diasm.CompleteInstr);
- }
- for (j=8,k=(__int64)&shell_data_sign_S;k<(__int64)&shell_data_sign_E;k+=j)
- {
- fprintf(file,"\t\t");
- for (i=0;i<j;i++) fprintf(file,"0x%.2X,",*(unsigned char*)(k+i));
- fprintf(file,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(file,"\t\t0\n};\n");
- fprintf(file,"#define wow64GetProcAddress_m &shellcode[0x%lx]\n",(char*)&GetProcAddress_m - (char*)&shell_start);
- fprintf(file,"#define wow64GetRing3Base_m &shellcode[0x%lx]\n",(char*)&GetRing3Base_m - (char*)&shell_start);
- fprintf(file,"#define wow64kernel32_64 &shellcode[0x%lx]\n",(char*)&k_Base - (char*)&shell_start);
- fprintf(file,"#define wow64ntdll_64 &shellcode[0x%lx]\n",(char*)&n_Base - (char*)&shell_start);
- fclose(file);
- system("pause");
- }
- @echo off
- :re
- cls
- echo /*********************************************/
- echo / shellcode /
- echo /*********************************************/
- set path=F:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1
- set obj=obj\amd64\BeaEngine.obj
- set Compiler=.\tools\amd64\cl.exe
- set linker=.\tools\amd64\link.exe
- set ddkCompiler=%path%\bin\x86\amd64\cl.exe
- set ddklinker=%path%\bin\x86\amd64\link.exe
- set name=shellcode
- %Compiler% .\src\%name%.c /D"_AMD64_" /I"%path%\inc\ddk" /I"%path%\inc\api" /I"%path%\inc\crt" /Fa"Debug\%name%.asm" /Fo"Debug\%name%.obj" /c /wd"4615" /wd"4616" /D"BEA_ENGINE_STATIC" /Od
- echo /*********************************************/
- echo / compile end /
- echo /*********************************************/
- %linker% .\Debug\%name%.obj %obj% /MERGE:S_CODE=S_DATA /SECTION:S_DATA,RWE /LIBPATH:"%path%\lib\win7\amd64" /LIBPATH:"%path%\lib\Crt\amd64" /OUT:"Debug\%name%.exe" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /MACHINE:AMD64 /IGNORE:4078
- echo /*********************************************/
- echo / build end /
- echo /*********************************************/
- pause
- goto re
- #include "shellcode.h"
- #include "wow64.h"
- __int64 _thunk_w64_data_list[]={
- (__int64)wow64ntdll_64,
- (__int64)wow64kernel32_64
- };
- __int64 _thunk_w64_func_list[index_wow64_max]={
- 0
- };
- __int64 _thunk_w64_args_list[index_wow64_max]={
- 8*32
- };
- void __declspec(naked) __fastcall _thunk_wow64_dispatch()
- {
- __asm ret
- }
- void __declspec(naked) __fastcall _thunk_w64_to_wow64()
- {
- __asm
- {
- mov esp,ebx
- inc eax
- mov ebx,[esp]
- add esp,8
- sub esp,8
- mov dword ptr [esp+0],offset _thunk_wow64_dispatch
- mov dword ptr [esp+4],23h
- retf
- }
- }
- void __declspec(naked) __fastcall _thunk_w64_invoke()
- {
- __asm
- {
- cmp dword ptr [esp],8*1
- dec eax
- cmovae ecx,[esp+0x10]
- cmp dword ptr [esp],8*2
- dec eax
- cmovae edx,[esp+0x18]
- cmp dword ptr [esp],8*3
- dec esp
- cmovae eax,[esp+0x20]
- cmp dword ptr [esp],8*4
- dec esp
- cmovae ecx,[esp+0x28]
- add esp,8
- dec eax
- jmp eax
- }
- }
- void __declspec(naked) __fastcall _thunk_wow64_to_w64()
- {
- __asm
- {
- sub esp,8
- mov [esp],ebx
- mov ebx,esp
- /*alloc stack*/
- mov ecx,dword ptr _thunk_w64_args_list[eax*8]
- sub esp,ecx
- and esp,-16
- /*strmov args*/
- mov edi,esp
- mov esi,edx
- rep movsb
- /*set return address*/
- sub esp,8
- mov dword ptr [esp],offset _thunk_w64_to_wow64
- mov dword ptr [esp+4],0
- /*log args*/
- mov ecx,dword ptr _thunk_w64_args_list[eax*8]
- sub esp,8
- mov [esp],ecx
- /*set tag func*/
- mov eax,dword ptr _thunk_w64_func_list[eax*8]
- /*jmp tag proc*/
- sub esp,8
- mov dword ptr [esp+0],offset _thunk_w64_invoke
- mov dword ptr [esp+4],33h
- retf
- }
- }
- void __declspec(naked) wow64initEx(__int64 pf,__int64 pfn,__int64 pfmax)
- {
- __asm
- {
- lea edx,[esp+4]
- xor eax,eax
- call _thunk_wow64_to_w64
- ret
- }
- }
- void wow64init()
- {
- _thunk_w64_func_list[0]=(__int64)&shellcode;
- _thunk_w64_args_list[0]=3*8;
- wow64initEx((__int64)&_thunk_w64_func_list,(__int64)&_thunk_w64_pfn_list,(__int64)index_wow64_max);
- }
- #define w64bywow64(_s_) \
- int __declspec(naked) wow64 ## _s_ ## () \
- { \
- __asm lea edx,[esp+4] \
- __asm mov eax,index ## _s_ \
- __asm call _thunk_wow64_to_w64 \
- __asm ret \
- }
- int main()
- {
- int i;
- //__asm int 3
- wow64init();
- //__asm int 3
- for (i=0;i<index_wow64_max;i++)
- {
- printf("0x%llx %s\n",_thunk_w64_func_list[i],_thunk_w64_pfn_list[i]);
- }
- printf("done\n");
- system("pause");
- return 0;
- }
beaengine.obj source